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Dana and Jose parents of little ones in heaven

When You Go By 505 Fifth Ave (Across from McD's), Pay Respects to a special Mom, Dana, and her husband Jose...(Delicate post, so read with care)

on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 17:38

Dear Readers of Livfully and Those in New York who may pass by 505 Fifth Ave a few blocks toward Times Square from Grand Central. Remember that story of the Mother needing to give birth and finding a place in the manger because 'there was no room in the inn."

That didn't just happen long ago, and unfortunately it's a fairly common plight of many mothers who are about to give birth (yes a pregnant woman Is a Mother in the most fundamental life-giving sense of the word Before she delivers a child.) If a woman is of limited monetary means and support, well the pregnancy journey can be one that