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Community Foundations

Time for that Spirit of Giving to Help Non-Profits and Cowpokes (one at least in the NYC area who sings for kids--of all age)

on Wed, 11/22/2017 - 02:34 is the Kickstarter Link to help NYC musician and singer Hopalong Andrew get his lively recording launched. He's game to raise $10K by December 10th or so of this year..and he's off to a walloping start. Please donate any amount without a reward, or 20 or more for an advance release of a digital download..or a signed CD for $25 (plus 5 dollars Shipping in the US.)

Okay, other great holiday giving ideas...he's got tee shirts and other goodies, American Mural Project (AMP in Winsted CT...hurrah WINsted!) Read up on this ambitious project which is getting some added support

Great Ideas from Ryan Eliason such as which promotes Social Entrepreneurs (I think I'm one of those)

on Wed, 08/03/2016 - 15:26

Hello Folks from NY to CA or Coast to Coast as August greets US One and All! Nice to think of those seas to shining seas on either side of America and as they stretch out to all continents as a reminder we could be "Planet Ocean". That was the name of an exhibit I saw at a Science Center in Florida when I was 16 and thought that was the craziest name for planet Earth. I really had not thought about how we are a planet of water with a little land above sea level so we can call this place hOMe in an amicable way.