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From a NewNormal3/2020 post on the memorial FB Page for Kaelan Alexander Paton

on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 13:09
Let's start brainstorming about ways to make life better in light of this new learning opportunity (aka challenge) of COVID19 Game On (#CO19GO!)

NewNormal3/2020 is a topic I am naming to mark this time of #CO19GO! (COVID19 Game On!) to help everybuddy think in terms of dealing with life not only 'on 'life's terms' but with an eye to the silver linings...and hope and trUSt things will get better day by day and with more connections via social media and calls...and all sorts of things.

Let's list some Positives that are part of our lives and communities...past, present and future! See more onĀ