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Okay to sing even if you don't have the words... Sound Away! Get inspired with

on Sat, 05/02/2020 - 20:31 What a glorious way to start off the month of May on a BeYouToFull note! Here's to apperciating music in all its forms, what we can hear, sense, dream and join in with..starting with the beating of our own hearts and breathing of our own lungs. Who knew we were all innately musical... Keep an ear out for nature sounds, melodies of your heart and more. Christine does about 10 minutes of sounding then plays the piano and sings, "I Could Sing of This Love Forever..."

 See more singing bowls and vocals on her site She may have something there that

Focusing on the Lovely Life Still Unfolding, with guidance from

on Wed, 03/25/2020 - 22:49 has inspiring positive talks and sound tracks (one that May calm microbes not good for us, for instance.) See what she shared on her live March 17th, 2020 program. I happened to catch it and the replay so am thinking to share it in a timely fashion. She has affirmations and 'infinite numbers of realities to encourage us to tap into our highest, benevolent reality..." Enjoy the singing bowls, hum along, move and relax into the sounds of joy to move energy. Best to all....

Meanwhile I also listened to the talk on March 25th, 2020 on The Aware Show and got to speak with her