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8/21-9/21 Special Peace Month Worldwide! #SPMW!

A Special Peace Month World-Wide: An Invite to Take Time to Celebrate Peace from Aug 21st through Sept 21st for International Peace Day

on Wed, 08/22/2018 - 01:30

If this sounds like a wild idea off the top of my head...It Is! 

As it turns out I've heard some special energies started pouring down to our earth from the Pleiades right about in 1988 and increased for the next 25 years if I recall what Barbara Marciniak said. Now this might be a bit over the top, but why not appreciate what Might have happened 30 years ago by noting the 30 days prior to September 21st as a time to 'get ready for World Peace Day'.

This could be a time  to celebrate the accomplishments of all in the prior  30 years as well.