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12 Times Round the Sun since our CT Heroic Son Journeyed On

12 Years Since Our Heroic CT Teen Son Kaelan Palmer Paton's Save...and Passing with Hope for a Safer Future For All

on Fri, 06/18/2021 - 18:57
To the Editor:
With each season of the year and life, we may reference moving on,
letting go and launching into ventures with new people, places and
projects in mind. Let's not forget the hard-won lessons from the past
as we transition and make the next set of choices including how we use our voices.
"On to the next but not too fast, take time to upgrade with lessons from the past".
How might we share wisdom from P.C.E. Times (Pre-Covid & Earlier Times)?
There are ever more laws  regulating more aspects of parenting, schooling,
relationships, business, mental health and drug issues, aging and