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A Facebook Post from 2012 as I was hatching out ideas that can help us a decade later! Let's Do This in 2022!

on Mon, 01/03/2022 - 15:07
In case I don't get to a computer soon, Happy 2012 to all FBers and citizens of plan-it heart (why not rename the earth in a way that really matters..and reflects the need to focus on us being heart-beings connected to the earth, making it our hearth of existence, energy and a place of care and respect)..Let's celebrate every age group this year with kids through age 10 being recognized the first ten days of the month of January at least (and every month is good for that too), and those 11-19 being noted on the next ten days of January, and again, every month could be a wonderful way to pay attention to those first two formative decades). Then the last ten days of January (and yes, other months too) we could celebrate the 20 yr-olds on the 20th, the 30s on the 21st (2 decades plus another decade), the 40yr olds on the 22nd(two decades plus two more decades), then the 50 yr olds on the 23rd (two tens plus three more decades), then 60 year olds on the 24th (2 decades plus four more decades), then 70 year olds on the 25th (2 decades plus 5 more decades), the 80 year olds on the 26th (2 decades plus 6 more decades), the 90 year olds on the 27th (2 decades plus 7 more decades) and 100 year olds and up on the 28th (2 decades plus 8 or more!). Whaddaya think of them apples?
In Addition to having the month of January mark everyone's age, and again, other months could follow suit, each Month could also be linked to a decade of ages with some goes, January for those up through age 19, then Feb for the 20 year olds, with first days of the month for each age such as Feb 1 for the 20 and 21 year olds, Feb 2 for the 22 year olds, Feb 3 for the 23 year olds, and so on through the 9th for the 29 year olds. I realize this sounds Weird, but the overall idea is to slide into a sense of celebrating everyone and networking in practical ways. By the way, I want to copyright this idea, so talk with me if you want to help me fine-tune, that goes for all of these wild and crazy ideas..that's what helps us break out of ruts and perceive more good stuff for ourselvse and others... So then in March that'd be for the 30 somethings, that'd be the 1st for those 30 and 31, the 2nd for 32s, the 3rd for 33s and onward to April for the 40s, May the 50s, June the 60s, July the 70s, Aug the 80s, Sept the 90s and Oct for the 100s. Then there's Nov and Dec to tune into the group connections of being men, women, children, parents, and other such affiliations which cover most folks in the world. This is like having a greater sense of being in a certain high school class year, but much bigger and more helpful...Thanks for feedback, and only a few folks need to see the usefulness of it to benefit many..Peace,
From a friend:The Chinese do it very simply -- Chinese New Year which they call "Spring Festival" in mainland China is everyone's birthday! Oh, and you are one year old when you are born -- they start counting at one, not zero! Spring Festival this year starts on Jan 22, 2012 and lasts for 15 days -- 15 days of birthday celebrations! Happy Year of the Dragon (early) -- Happy Birthday!
My reply: thanks for sharing that. I wanted to find ways to help people feel included and special regarding their shared historical entrance and cultural connections in a state, country and such. Then ideally, more would feel Qualified to Vote for themselves every day and vote for leaders as needed to assist them in getting funding or organizing their towns, and states and oh yes, country, accordingly. I feel many have been too busy or too detached from meaningful engagement with their common-unities, and then find they can't afford to live in it, or don't know anyone or don't feel seen, or valued. Plus, everyone ages and most do well with support along the way. This would also help create alliances across religious, cultural and such lines, and buoy a sense of regionalism so more people could be assisted as friends, neighbors, and from a certain state.
Yet another point I saw in a newspaper is that there's talk of having One Calendar for about 6 years then adding a leap year. That would mean each date would fall on a consistent day of the week...Christmas always on a Sunday in the example given. The big news is it would save 130 Billion and just think how many hungry folks we could feed on that (if as a new teen said the money were directed that way).
Overall, someome makes important decisions many have to live with, so why not start chiming in on what we'd like, what would make life more efficient, economical and (gas-saving) overall, enjoyable..gotta run for now, but got to read parts from which has cool articles on the Call of Sedona, The Barn Dance, and Many Bodies, One Soul (Brian Weiss, well, google those reads). Okay, take care, and Happy New Year. The angel on duty at midnight to 12:20 is Vehuliah, about Will and New Beginnings (and that's everynight). My main one which others can share from 5:40 to 6pm daily is Nithael, which is for eternal youth and rejuvenation, linked to the time of May 14th...all that's from Terah Cox, at peace now
Hope this is helpful to folks now a decade later in 2022...where do you think we'll be a decade from now? Having read some of Da Vinci Code Decoded about how Christmas was celebrated on Jan 6th usually but got changed by Constantine to Dec 25th to concur with Saturnalia, it may be helpful to consider the historical legacies of our modern times. That's just one set of holidays.
The marketing and hoopla that has been added to ideas of friendship and support, that people may be more than animals (some say the "hu" means energy, as in human beings being energy beings...see what the folks at The Hu Foundation share online...just saying 'hu' for 20 minutes (or maybe less) can help one tune into that calming, energetic side everyone has... Also see the free offer on this blog for a month of support or learn more about it via my link (to support me as an affiliate, especially if signing up with my links listed near this post.)
Everyone gets a free month usually in January so check that out but not sure if the other free link can be added to that from my list, so I will look into that. Don't miss out since everyone's brain can use a tune up! Good sleep, healthy eating and mild exercise can all be a boost too along with fair, friendly interations and 'self-talk' so be your own best friend as one of my good friend's says she promotes for herself and others! Thanks to all wise ones sharing their tips and tricks to use the natural flow of life and common sense to team up and help one another through the day and magical journey we call life!

1Catherine Palmer Paton