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In Like a Lion...and Out Like One Too!. Here's Lion Rock to Remind US All to Stay Strong and Future-Thinking for Peace!

on Sun, 03/28/2021 - 13:19

 Seeing an awesome aerial photo of this site in Sri Lanka, I had to learn more. I am sharing at the end of March 2021. This site was one of a Buddhist monastery for eons and is now one of many reminders that people choose peace and prosperity (good health and kind connections with one another and the earth for the most part. The power hungry and those not realizing 'all is connected and reflected back to us for our learning and choosing a healing path...eventually' play a difficult role in our world.

From wikipedia...Sigiriya, or Lion Rock, towers 600 feet off the ground in central Sri Lanka, jutting dramatically out of the heart of this island country and serving as a formidable monument to the past.

The king of Sri Lanka himself, King Kashyapa, who ruled from 473 to 495, once made this the site of his new capital. He ordered that his palace be constructed atop the rock, and about halfway up, he had a large gateway carved into the side of the outcropping in the shape of a large lion (hence the name).

His fortress was abandoned when he died, and the site later served as a monastery. These days the rock fortress and its landscaped gardens are a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Back to my reflections... I have to help someone get a ride to the hospital to check on a back problem, so please 'send healing thoughts' to them...and any you know in need by picturing that person 'in perfect health and harmony with good intentions and respect in all areas of life.' This time of rebirth, spring, reincarnation, renewal and Passover (see prior posts on this too, since these are chronological on this blog.)

I had a dream that I was lost but finding myself in someone's front yard with treasures on the step as I was heading out. I thought it was nice people were trusting others with displaying nice ornaments where they could be easily stolen. I put out some lovely yard lights and thought someone had taken them but realized they were there still so was grateful for the overall experience and appreciate them all the more. 

Many say 'take a deep breath and mom-ent' to look around with one's eyes closed and see one's life and small actions towards one dreams playing out fully in the next few weeks, months and year. Feel the reality of one's dream coming true with a sense of peace and good will. See what plays out and then take those daily action steps and team building to allow for that to come into fruition. Much like 'planting seeds in the garden', focusing on clearing blocks and limiting beliefs then on good intentions is key to growth.Another part of my dream was seeing a scultpure of a loved one's name about 2 feet high in cursive writing that could be a garden ornament or decorated with lights. I thought that was a great idea but wanted to know who thought of it. So there's an idea for one and all to consider, whether for those in their family or social circles or loved ones in spirit, one's community or causes. Something about having the 'word' in 3-D really makes them stand out. Now I feel that was a lovely hello from heaven from our late teen son Kaelan. I had met a few people with that name (various spellings) both young and old and both that could be a code word for 'anyone' and also with our son being an earth angel who exited saving his friends from the Housatonic River (with that hidden USA and tonic message), Kaelan Housatonic and Th'river Dream Team come to mind..His final acts of extaordinary love, skill, courage and energy were his 'final shout to choose love over hate and misery' (and yes, he had seen and felt some of both in his 16 years both as a younger child at times and as a teen even in the days leading up to what would play out amidst a time of wild abandon and some trickery--blocking cars from passing when on bikes with friends...a warning sign that was almost picked up on by a former youth soccer parent who didn't want to lose their cool so didn't stop the kiddos. I have done plenty when I can to alert teens and others to play it safe and get plenty of push back (see former posts about directing traffic in Brooklyn NY with folks yelling at me from their cars, wanting to kick me out of their neighborhood for trying to step in where it was not needed or even allowed...with the traffic police telling me I was not doing the right thing when it was clear I was helping prevent a major traffic jam, directing buses and many other cars around a stalled vehicle and  box truck limiting the road to less than one clear lane...That was one of a dozen times in my traffic fiasco-avoidance stands. Another was after the 250th Great Barrington Parade to prevent another jam where Route 23 joins Rt 7... most people took direction from my lone self but others hammered down and created a block for a light or two...So we need a common way to alert one another and get more people to cooperate and assist not resist and who knows what, escalate troubles!)

Okay so along those lines as well, consider the relationship map of one's closest contacts, those in a social circle and community. How about This time of year being one of Second Chances and Fresh Starts and Get Smarts about 'conscious conneections, not overidentifying with one's role in another's life or their role in one's own in terms of 'do or dare, live or die, black or white extremism in thinking, one way or the other for now and forever with doors and hearts slammed shut.' Yes we've all seen movies, plays, heard stories or news reports or know or have been involved in 'all of the above' in our minds if not in reality, maybe in our nightmares or dreams. Thinking of the positive possibilities is something Janet and Chris Attwood have done publicly after ending their legal marriage but becoming great business partners and wonderful supports even socially. That may not work for all people if there is violence, jealousy or other entrenched troubles or just an awareness two people may still like each other 'too much to go back to being 'just friends' or limiting interactions to public places even. But for many with support for each person, new insights could be gained and depending on what has happened, some people do become close again in various ways of trust and support, interacting or even dating or living together or remarrying or adopting or having their own children over time. Some theories have more to say about what would make sense spiritually and energetically than others. Some feel there is validity to allow for flow of connction after being apart since one 'knows someone better than a new person or has invested working on a relationship in some way.' Friends and family and others may be able to help one determine if the person is safe and appropriate and of good intention. The dynamics physically for men, women and 'however one defines themselves' and is feeling physically and mentally are important to try to map out even if not figure out exactly. Somewhere in the ball park of keeping relationships public or on the phone and with guidance about informing anyone else one is close to so as not to have an emotional affair or allow for interactions that could shift things unintentionally and realize one is falling in love or in serious like or somehow out of the realm of knowing what one is doing or planning to do possibly. That may take some of the fun and spontaneity out of life, but at this point in history, everyone needs to have a clear idea of the 'yes and no' options of getting involved whether on a dating site or group or others forums for making friends and growing relationships. A little at a time with 'supervised interactions' in public or on the phone is better than meeting alone or in a car travelling somewhere.

Women of all ages need to be very careful even with being in a church, library or other place if alone with a man or someone else who may take advantage of a situation such as we have all heard that Governor Andrew Cuomo likely did many times with a number of women that have come forward (and of course, possibly many others, whether he realizes what he was doing or not.)

Now people need to know about work and school rules for dating or interacting as well as do many other jobs and relationship boundaries even in families with each person having a place for privacy particularly to sleep safely alone (with a locked door for instance) so as not to be disturbed in one's sleep even by a partner. Every action has to be legal and consensual each time, not a blank slate of 'anything goes and people have to compromise and allow for certain things and times of not wanting to be with the other person.'

So basically time to revamp the whole area of relationships and clarify matters for 'all involved' now and in the future to avoid misunderstandings and not allow for set-ups for crime and trouble. Coercive control is now being explored to put on the crime books in CT due to the Jennifer Dulos case.

The whole area of someone being mentally unstable unfortunately, short term or chronically whether linked to legal or illegal drugs or life patterns etc needs more attention as well since that also has resulted in family killing others. These tragedies need our utmost consideration and I review plenty of those points in various posts.

Wanting to wrap up on a positive note though, lovely springtime wishes to all and healing for our world and people on all levels. We are all learning a lot with the George Flloyd case being heard again in MN. The points being made include that he was arrested for using a fake 20 dollar bill at a story possibly, he had a lot of meth in his system and high amount of fentynal and that he may have had a heart condition as well which could have factored into him dying from the maneuver the police Derek Chauvin used to subdue him with his knee on his neck that went on for a full nine minutes. I am summarizing what I heard on the news and want to follow the case more closely.

The point the family's attorney made last year saying that with his hands behind his back, he may not have been able to get a breath in even though he was able to speak on an exhale and the police were using that as a measure of him being able to breathe is important for all using that practice to review and realize is not safe. Same for people fighting or wrestling... remember that the lungs need to expand to take in air and then sound is made on the exhale. Of course the much larger matter of Black Lives Matter and more Native rights and many others root causes of injustice and inequality need our utmost attention and healing as well. See more about what Marianne Williamson spoke to on her site as she ran for President. Peace and light for all to seek healing and find it!

Even with new friendships and finding ways to connect