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Wishing All a Peaceful, Light-Filled Solstice and Sensational Rest of December 2020

on Sun, 12/20/2020 - 23:03

These past few weeks have found me hunkering down helping someone with basic housework, meals and care plan options for getting homecare in CT vs NY. All I can say if Everyone Do Their Homework Now to take advantage possibly of NY terms that may be rather helpful now but with laws changing April 1st, 2021...with a month added to look back times and so forth, don't just think about things, consider getting a team and really following through with establishing residency for a month and so on.

That is a tip about taking time to learn and implement with support and information from reliable, skilled professionals in the fiels of law, accounting and so forth. Get a team of family, friends and competent people to walk the journey of making calls or online inquiries and really every state and town could have some bare minimum suggestions for people to look into, not to give direct guidance, but possible pathways.

If a few movies were made about practical steps and situations in life more people would benefit from understanding the similarities and then the differences they are offered state by state, region by region, town by town. Some people may be able to relocate their main residence or visit as a guest and explore how different life can be for people in one place versus another, whether a different town, region, city, state or even country.

So let's think Big but also with Big Love when it comes to helping one another. suggests 'helping others' is good medicine. suggests information that may be important to keep in mind as the next months and years of 'virus and pandemic' concerns need addressing. Eve Wilson covers a lot on her blog and in her book and programs.

See more on (I think that's it.) Meanwhile I heard the Gov of Michigan speak about the Dept of Energy taking Climate Change Concerns by storm under President Biden when he's in office after his inauguration on January 20th, 2021. I met someone whose birthday is that day, so Happy Birthday to Tim and all who find a way to celebrate their birthday even if there's not such a grand event one is excited about taking place.

Everyone showing up when they did and where, with their family and groups of social support is significant...and could be explored with the info by Terah Cox on Birth Angels. I'll put this in park for now but am wishing all well for holidays and rest. Peace, love and light...lots of light!