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Whose Due for a Little Inspiration on Martin Luther King, Jr Day (and before Trump's Inauguration as the 45th President of US-All in the US of A-Miracle..much needed)?

on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 19:17

Don't everyone raise their hand at once, Unless (to quote the fuzzy fellow who spoke for the trees...) You Want To or Are Somewhat Willing. But let's Get Inspired. Sure we may be tired and mired in any number of pursuits, projects, personal growth programs...but let's make time to cheer each other on today. What kind of dreams have you had while asleep or awake. Any daydreamers out there?

How about spinning a story to entertain a little one or allow your own sweet self to explore what's possible with some creative thinking (fantasy realism allows for animals to speak, objects to do more than they usually can, and an array of creative connections and directions to be explored as part of that form. A pen and paper can become a magic wand and carpet taking you to new places and seeing new faces.

No I am not sleep-deprived (but yes and chilly because it's Cold here in my home in CT, been sitting too long and the fingers are ready to go fix my afternoon snack before a nap before working through papers and such.) Other posts explore more about Martin Luther King, Jr and the programs such as Peace Programs (some based in CT with Victoria Christgau is she's still doing that important work) which teaches skills used by Ghandi as well in promoting non-violence.

There's the Compassionate Communication (also called NVC or Non-Violent Communication) and not to confuse folks but a free online handbook by AVP (Alternatives to Violence Program) which is offerd in some prisons as well as community groups. There is a network of people taking trainings in the tri-corner MA/NY CT area with the wonderful Bill Leicht (sounds like and feels like light) and others such as from The Watershed  Center outreach in Millerton NY. The folks doing the everyday work of caring for themselves and others in balanced ways deserve a lot of thanks as well.

Then those working and volunteering merit more credit for 'showing up and often providing critical components to helping a community function...such as childcare providers in homes, at daycares, in schools and in-between. Hurrah for the schools, faith groups, libraries and many other facets of a caring and capable crowd of folks.

Often people commit to an organization, a group or set of people of a certain age or area. That's going the extra mile and hopefully provides continuity and extra ways to care about each other. More 'cross-over' efforts to keep the ball in the air of care and growth for people in their youth but throughout their lives as well. Special insight into the elder or end-or-life years (at whatever age, from injury, illness, etc) is offered on a free half-our talk online by Suzanne O'Brien.

I am looking forward to taking her programs in as well as Consulting to assist people with making some plans about very important matters regarding health (such as having a healthcare representative, which some hospitals or groups will assist with the actual details of doing for free or low-cost. Review The Five Wishes as well to consider simple statements of 'letting go of debts, grudges and other concerns' that may be weighing one down, known or unknown harm done to anyone and apologies asked and extended in return.

Those are my own words which can be helpful for anyone to start considering to use even Well Before a situation or crisis may arise.It can be a state of mind to pretend or try out the 'What IF I forgave that person or let that part of  a difficult turn of events not be so central or needing attention from those involved or even others' might that feel?

One can still journal or work with a sense of advocacy to educate others, work toward improved responses and systems (much like I do on this blog) yet keep that candle of the 'greater love, forgiveness, and grace' central to one's journey. Having a faith in spiritual possibilities and guides, a healer or savior (and redeemer for one's shortcomings or separtions from Source, Love, and God) can all be helpful as one may want to consider that, learn from online or more personal resources and again, journal or take time daily and weekly even for a few minutes, perhaps with relaxing music or time outdoors or 'blessed quietness' to breathe and feel alive and well, held and blessed. 

On that note I will head off for a rest and share a story soon called The Turtle and The Acorn that I wrote back in January of 2008. All the best as we get through the rest of this month, with special hope for peace and progress during the gatherings in DC when people will share their voices and concerns and President Trump (whether fairly elected or not) will take office on January 20th, 2017 at his Inauguration as the 44th  Presidential (and oh so Powerful, whether informed or well-intended or is the case for Any US President or other major player in politics )Leader of  America. May God  and that respect for the Greater Good be with us all.

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