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Global Oneness Day October 24th, 2016 from Humanity's Team (which you hopefully feel part of whether officially or in your own way) Check out the new hand signal too!

on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 14:17

Hello on Oak-tober 20th, 2016. See this great short video by Peter Melton (a nice name for sharing the melting pot idea of everyone being connected not just in the US but among humanity). The Global Oneness Day is the kind of thing or think I like to dream upon...and it's great Humanity's Team with its awesome online outreach (25K usually on calls or webcasts with many great speakers, of course weigh and pray about any ideas to see maybe with your support team what you would listen to or try even in the name of wellness and healing.

Not all people promote meditation, 'going on a shamanic journey saying they can be troubling or difficult or even dangerous for one's soul to return from, so do research on any great idea or even loving heart-felt sharing... drugs and such may also be part of someone's 'interesting journey, but just because some do that and it seems to work out, don't trust that would be the case for oneself and don't do anything alone.

I promote 'no drugs, not even alcohol' as a basic life plan when it comes to growing up with health and natural remedies (sleep, food, friends, not too complicated living or loving etc...and connection with one or two or more folks to be accountable or at least tuned into what one is doing...and groups as those work which can be helpful, but again watchful of cults or small group dynamics claiming too much power over one's life.) Okay with that said, back to the 'oneness vision and hand signal which is the peace sign of a V with the pointer and middle finger, then bringing those together as though indicating 2 (or together.) Check it out! Peace Out too on Oct 24th, 2016 with the online free offering at!

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