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The First Woman President of the United States of A-Miracle, Nov. 8th, 2016!

on Sat, 09/17/2016 - 17:21

Let’s put Hillary on Capitol Hill!

Hello from CT and NYC from a blogger and Mompreneur (A Mom whose always learning and doing a little outreach too). I am thinking of reaching people across the country Before the Presidential Election to help Hillary and other Democrats get elected, since CT State Representative Elizabeth Esty shared the critical need to do so at a lovely get-together in scenic Salisbury CT in early September 2016.

My free blog has been plugging along with sharing of both challenges like losing our teen son Kaelan Paton (‘93-’09)in a river episode and mountain top life experiences. These included being a mom after being a fortunate Vassar grad from the 80s.

I was a scholarship student in the same class as actor Lisa Kudrow and many other very talented folks who loved the whole experience of the liberal arts education. I danced, studied to be a teacher and also felt I should get out there and ‘change the world!’

This was especially true after learning a few of our VC students had fallen into serious depressions and ended their own lives. For many reasons we have yet to comprehend, many are prone to taking their own lives (with men and military veterans and likely those using drugs being at a higher rate.

That sad trend along with rampant substance abuse and domestic abuse are issues that need to be highlighted for prevention and recovery efforts as though a ‘9–1–1 emergency’.

Through the 1990s and early 2000s, I landed back in my hometown region of the northwest corner of CT. I was fortunate to rear great kids with a lot of family and community support and great schools. But tragically, at age 16, our son tried to save someone from very dangerous water.

That is a tale that could help move people to plan for better choices for their youth than the adults in charge allowed for that day. His friend did get rescued moments later, thankfully, and the memorial service on youtube may help others heal from many kinds of change and loss that is hard to address.

Still I promote all parents and adults having voluntary care plans for minors and others who may need monitoring. Also I hope all will be more accountable for who they are with and where they are going on a daily basis, (leaving a note at home if not with a trusted friend.)

With the 5th of anniversary of the the Occupy Wall Street movement, I like to feel that I had something to do with waking folks up in that arena by tuning into the leadership of the activists and helping a few along the way. I was inspired at a summer Bernie Sanders gathering which drew thousands to a park in Brooklyn NY.

I unofficially got to help open up another field for folks to flow into (by running my ol’ 53-year-old body around a 800 foot perimeter at a fairly good pace on short notice to prevent a bottleneck of the crowd).

What difference can one person make whether seeking to open gates for thousands or draw millions into donating for their candidate and inspiring even more to get involved as Bernie did?

Well, we could each ask ourselves that question but not to feel burdened but rather inspired. We may have shown up at this time, in our respective states and circles for a reason. Our lives are linked with many others in our families, in our circles of friends and communities, interests and and goals online and otherwise.

Everyone is valuable and worthy of care and outreach if in need. Why not pitch in now to envision a better US of A-Miracle come November and next year in January when Hillary steps into the office as President of the United States of America.

That’s the kind of outreach I’d like to be part of now, when the race is being run and the need to pull together to help our country do right not only by its own citizens and residents, but be a team player on the world stage.

We’ve already out-consumed many other countries and populations and frankly with climate change issues looming larger we ‘only have so much time’ to Try to Slow the Inevitable Down…to buy us decades and hopefully centuries.

The permaculture movements along with and other innovative advocates have great ideas to help everyone use their energy in ways to help the plan-it heart and earth be treated with respect as well as care for others in humane ways. We can do this and need to give it out utmost. Thanks for all you do along these lines and for sharing this with those in your circles and state. ‘We shall overcome…” and Win in November 2016!

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