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Discover some great info and products for you and others at A friend told me about Sweet Ease (in warmer months only) and I was pleased with lower blood sugar numbers (not sure if it led to that but didn't keep it from happening)

on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 21:15

Who has ever heard of Ashwandaga? No? How about Neem? Maybe, right. Delight your mind with the eye-dea of Ayurvedic herbals to assist your body type with balance internally and physically, energetically and well, pracitically. I know very little but an intrigued (thought of spelling that as InTreegued since there are many healing ideas branching off one another in that school of healing.) I know a cool fellow who travelled  to India to learn about that and I believe is helping with a new place in Newburgh NY. I'll have to follow up on the options they offer once I figure out their name and so on, maybe Bodhi Tree but google and see what comes up.

Now another friend trained at Kripalu then went out to NM and when she returned mentioned her friends did this quality production of herbal remedies and oils, etc. That's when I heard about and hope to learn more. My friend recommended the Sweet Ease to me and I have kept my blood sugar numbers under the point of becoming diabetic.

I believe my A1C was 6.2 (right on the low cusp of becoming diabetic) and then I got it down to 5.7. I will have to keep monitoring it but got a glucometer (I think that's what it is called to test my blood with one drop. A woman I met in NY told me about which builds education and community around diabetes. I would say this is an open field for many people to claim their health and courage to learn together

The number Jeff Dachis shares as people with pre-diabetes was 70 million I think. Yikes, that's more than twice the 30 million who have diabetes in this country, the US of A-Miracle alone! We have GOT TO DO BETTER-O in a HURRY!! Okay, I will share more as I can but hope my 20 pound weight loss in six months is a good thing

. Jeff shares that his was indicative of a Type 1 Adult-Onset Diabetes which is rare. Oh boy, well, he's the man to get the word out and the job done in terms of amazing product and program development so he is saying he's nothing but grateful even when needing to prick his finger 10x a day.  Let's help our kids develop an awareness of portion control and eating healthy food.

Not to go nuts, but to keep them on track and infomed better than most adults who lived in denial and likely remain there Waaayy to long (me included) that an A1 C is not a luxury but a necessity to know especially if risk factors are present such as 1-being over 45, 2-being overweight so having a BMI of concern (check with your doc on all of this or keep googling), 3- family history, 4-for women, having a 9 lb baby. Okay lots more could be shared, such as diabetes can develop during pregnancy (called gestational diabetes) so do keep in touch with your numbers and get support when pregnant for many reasons. Also learn symptoms of high or low blood sugar and how to assist someone or oneself. Stay calm, cool and call somone, that's a free tip for many situations if something feels iffy, not safe or confusing.


Just wanted to chime in with an update that my friend shared to say that Sweet Ease (maybe the ingredients in that mix so ashwandaga...) could cause Anxiety if taken during the cold months. Guess I need to double check anything that sounds like 'a simple solution'. I will wait til spring on that. Another naturalist type person said many people try Coq10 for blood pressure, and that cinnamon likely would help with blood sugar as would ginger and garlic. Those would all help with blood pressure too. She said if I were doing those natural things to check my BP to see that it didn't go Too Low. 

I will work on all that but told myself I need to relax and maybe even take some time to schedule that in. Exercise in moderate amounts would likely be good for me and as soon as the humidity breaks I plan to go for a jaunt. Weight lifing would also be good, even low weights for 10 min etc. I get that carrying things around almost. Okay, back to other topics.  I still want to review other products on Banyan Botanicals... oils and such for the skin (and feet).


If having health concerns (pre-diabetes, diabetes, kidney or other issues) it may be worth looking at alternative healing methods such as herbs, acupressure or massage and acupuncture to explore root causes or more natural ways to bring things into balance.

But be sure to go to a medical doctor, get bloodwork and learn what the numbers mean (especially from someone who will take the time and explain the physiology of how carbs vs sugars are processed and other good things to understand about one's digestion and how changing one's diet and habits can affect one's blood sugar, health and pressure.)

Do not let numbers get high for blood pressure or blood sugar...More on that online to google (and good luck, You Are Worth It and need to turn the spotlinght on yourself sometimes.)

Finding a reputable person is key. I was in a tricky situation where I needed housing and found some near an acupuncturist in Millerton NY. She was great, Thanks Lisa! Then I needed ideas to address a health issue and was in NYC..well, she was able to recommend someone so I thought I'd pay that forward and tell y'all. They are LIN Sister (Herbs, acupuncture, massage)  at 4 Bowery right near a jewelry store on the corner, in Chinatown. One needs to call ahead for a massage and they are closed Wednesdays. Otherwise it's walk-in and the fees are low (about 30/half hour for consult, massage. And about 30-50 dollars for herb packets to make teas to drink for about 10 days, but that would vary. They take credit cards so that is a big help. They also sell devices for self-massage, small wooden circles with knobs and even sandals with raised acupressure points (yes I got a pair for 14 bucks and hope to use them more, good ol' feet, just for therapy not walking.) Okay that's my tip of the day and hope that's helpful in terms of letting you know What I did not what you Should do but rather might want to look into...

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