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Great Ideas from Ryan Eliason such as which promotes Social Entrepreneurs (I think I'm one of those)

on Wed, 08/03/2016 - 15:26

Hello Folks from NY to CA or Coast to Coast as August greets US One and All! Nice to think of those seas to shining seas on either side of America and as they stretch out to all continents as a reminder we could be "Planet Ocean". That was the name of an exhibit I saw at a Science Center in Florida when I was 16 and thought that was the craziest name for planet Earth. I really had not thought about how we are a planet of water with a little land above sea level so we can call this place hOMe in an amicable way. We literally will be needing to realize 150 Million Climate Refugees who live along the Coastal Areas of the Countries will need to Keep their Heads Above Water. That's a daunting reality and one needing lots of team supports. So back to the title of this post, we Need to Reach Out to One Another. Call it an SOS or a neighborly thing to do, it just makes life better. Maybe not right off the bat as we adjust to the idea that 'we really are all in this thing called life together'. Might being in a Life Boat have multiple meanings and apply to all of us sharing one ball of mainly water with our outposts on land like boats in said water? We can think out loud, ask each other what we may have wanted to do when we were kids or younger visionaries or even have dreams about doing now. That is a whole industry now of coaches and personal teachers helping people make sense of their life experience and calling, even the nature of being a spiritual entity having an earthly mortal experience. A little like discovering the 72% water to land ration on the planet, that's about what human beings are as well, 72% water and the rest 'more solid'. We can factor in X to represent all we do not konw about our energy, thoughts spirit and so on. Our bodies are more like cars or vehicles we drive to get through our day. Like vehicles, we need fuel which is not only food but Rest and other 'inputs' to maintain our basic and optimal FUNctioning. Now Ryan Eliason is one of those savvy computer whiz successes who somehow found my email and offered me that free book I mentioned I was wary of but took advantage of once realizing there were no strings attached. He is a Social Entrepreneur and wants to Help People on the Planet. That's Humanity's Team's mission also. Now Ryan has gifted me with a free listen to 18 of 41 interviews with you guessed it... more social entrepreneurs. Maybe if I can spell  it I can sell it as another job description. There is a way to buy all the interviews for under 200 dollars and listen later, but unless I get a few folks wanting to join in on that mission my budget meter says better think that one over carefully. Where are the groups that can purchase and share the info in a valid way (meetings, summaries, etc). Maybe that is against the copyright, but to some extent, sharing freely is part of the game. Maybe public libraries can purchase such programs and that would be worth researching. Many of the positive ideas for health and wealth could really help boost people's morale and efforts to network.

I used to think there could be a national and worldwide effort to help people Prepare for Retirement. The SCORE outreach to mentor people in small business is one way people can 'come down easy'. Many seek out substitute or part-time work in their field. We have been fortunate to have former principals or teachers do some substitute teaching and become education advocates. They understand things and have the vim and vigor to get to endless meetings and wrestle with issues for Years. That goes for stalwarts such as Marshall Miles of and or com which offers a great view into the dynamic Northwest Corner towns of CT which border Millerton NY and Sheffield and Great Barrington MA (yes that great Great Barrington which is always aspiring to become a bit greater.)

The Berkshire Taconic Foundation and the Torrington Community Foundation have many grants available from helping people redo their housing to accommodate an apartment with some free consults and loans to send kids to camps to enrich their academic and arts interests, sports or travel. Scholarships really help bridge the gap for college students and keep the fundraisers flowing like the Housatonic River that connects towns from Pittsfield MA down to Westport CT. and run thru Barrington and over the Falls in Falls Village or Canaan CT, just south of North Canaan and west of South Canaan in case you want some details. Don't even ask about how many parts of Cornwall there are... a few with the key ones being Cornwall Bridge which has large open bridge on Route 4 over the Housy and West Cornwall which has a scenic Covered Bridge. Then there's plain Cornwall and yes, they each have their own post offices and zip codes.

Now back to the idea of learning online, applying ideas to one's daily routines, relationships, life and health decisions and socializing about it. I am about to learn more on the All Things Spiritual Telesummit and the other programs I have signed up for. Preparing for any age and stage of life makes sense, so that's another field of opportunity to enjoy. I will search out some local Yahoo or Meet-up groups in NYC which should be a snap, and then share the good times that flow from those too. Peace and light as August unfolds for each like a flower petals about to bloom in the sunshine and get kissed by the blessings like rain.

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