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The Time of Our Lives, Flowing by Like a River..and Playing Out in Real Time With Thoughts, Words, Deeds and Ideas

on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 22:33

Ed Trickett and a number of other folk singers (some from Folk-Legacy Records which now has its music on youtube such as  Ed Trickett's Gently Down the Stream of Time) sang at our teen son Kaelan's memorial service (July 2009. about a month after his passing from trying to rescue a friend from a fast river. His friend was saved by a rope rescuer moments  after Kaelan passed awa in the water.  The memorial is on youtube in segments...a line in this," Careless words so widely spoken lie beneath the shore...followed by more poetic images yet then the 'truth of time' analogy of this mighty rushing river buries all beneath its wave,,,still, let's use our words, or refrain as needed and required by law oftentimes--but could spur new branchesofoutreach,emails and calls,,,not to a person directly or even third party and maybe no publicly either with full disclosure, but with enough cousel, sifting for truth and justice, and using scenarious, concerns, and ideas starting with...

What IF (the word at the center of life, a phrase I an hereby inventing and copywriting for the record--such is the world  we live in lest someone pirate our words..) Hope we can  "Learn to Listen" (something some yell at others or insist on while not offering or maybe not Able to do so.One theory of what can lead to deafness and other such ways of not having to listen or relate to others (that could be from many lifetimes and some may be from having heard hard things, or seen harsh situations so leading to poor vision or blindness.

But an unwillingness to try to see the truth is an important theory to be aware of. Not to rake anyone over the coals in terms of having to come to grips with every last up and down in their life, but IF people are clueless that their words and attitudes are paving some physical pathway (other than the obvious downward spiral of drugs--legal and illegal in some ways in terms of side effects or impact on one's system--then people are not aware of the Consequences of their Actions and Habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.)

Well, some know these theories and others don't, so I'm trying to cast a line, build a bridge and see who can consider it as an idea as well as reality and be duly warned to Try to Be Open to Healing Spiritually and Emotionally so the Physical and Social patterns and outplaying can come into balance, so one can be more 'free' when one's life journey ends with a sense of honesty and less karmic carryover for oneself and even one's circles of family, youth and others IF that's how the Big Game of LIFE works...does that make a little sense. Hard as it may be to hear it offers an idea about 'how the world works, why we are here, why it matters to be kind to oneself and others with a sense of spirtiuality and connecition to others and the divine. As my Mom would say, "Nobody fools G-d." With the internet,it is pretty much the case that nobody fools Anybody anymore.. so much for modernity.. maybe it will spur our evolution toward loving kindness with accountability. Enjoy the music online and in your hearts. See some inspiring ways to drift off to sleep and through the stream of time with healing vibes from many groups online, including

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