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A Tool for One's Life Tool Kit: The Course In Miracles (TCIM). See more on

on Sun, 11/17/2019 - 18:41

Last night I got to see a production of The Crucible at St. Joseph's College in Brooklyn NY. Such an important play for all Americans and the world to see in our modern times where 'faith, law, social and emotional' energies are at full hilt. Someone had been telling me about The Way of Mastery which is online in half hour segments with 4 main parts to listen to, ideally in order. See what the The Course In Miracles may offer to your insight and perspectives...There is an Apple version of a program with a fund to contribute to an Android program from 

There's a lot of Christian language in TCIM yet a speaker I am listening to online is sharing that there is a different definition and application from traditional religion. I am hoping we can glean knowledge from many traditions. 

The idea of TCIM I think is that the information was given by an energy or spirit that some say is Jesus..and that The Way of Mastery is also in that vein, even though humans 'channeled it' and did the physical writing. I have been wanting to understand much more than not about spiritual things and that started with religious teachings as far as I can recall, but much is part of our culture.

The speaker of this talk is saying we are all children of God and our interpretations and life are powerful and part of the reality playing out. "Be not afraid of being acknowledged as a child of God and be open to salvation (and be worked upon.) Merciful is every step in God's eternal plan to help one get on the path." The speaker is sharing that in a group there is a way for people to give and receive the light and grow together. 

This talk was on Lesson 311 and can likely be found on (Nov.15, 2019). Our ego cannot 'see it all' when in a situation and making a judgment she offers. It's an ongoing process of seeking clarify, asking and giving forgiveness and much more...

Having the timing of hearing more (for about the 20th time over that many years about The Course In Miracles) as well as seeing the Crucible, maybe that play could be discussed through the lens of the The Course, with various charachters considered in that light of seeker, and yes, child of God.

The extreme human factors adding up to judging innocent people as guilty (the judge having a certain interpretation of righteousness and the infallibility of the court and much more) would shed light on the atrocities that play out in our modern world of wrongful arrests, holding people without bail or a charge and much more.

Domestic abuse victims unfortunately would feel 'right at home' with the continuous wrong judgements being handed out...and the risks rising over 'nothing' or someone's accusations...That's the Victims of abuse mind you being treated that way summarily in far too many cases historically and even currently.

Attorney Joan Meyer has done research that shows in America among 10K cases of abusive men wanting custody, 80% got it with the abused mother and children having to suffer the consequences, sometimes with increased or continuous risk even of bodily harm or sexual violation.

These are the modern day tragedies unfortunately build on silencing women and children, not heeding their sincere calls and concerns. Ironically in The Crucible, innocent people were being accused by young women, one of whom had been violated by someone in authority and falling for his affections in a difficult way then seeking revenge with hopes of becoming his legal partner.

Only after hundreds of people were being accused with over a dozen hanged, did the violator admit his crime to save his own wife. He falsely confessed to dealing with the devil and yet then refused to have 'his good name' (even having admitted to knowing his household helper which could have gotten her pregnant) posted in the public area.

Often victims of abuse have to agree to gag orders, to stop asking for help or telling people of the suffering they are experiencing from their abuser(s) and his (or her) supporters, family and circles of 'friends' which unfortunately make them complicit with the abuse.

Even professionals are prevented from understanding the reality of abuse dynamics, the 'no-win' situations a victim and her children are put in (maybe even their pets and belongings, friends and social supports from their own families and on and on.) The studies of how to help victims heal and their young or adult children comprehend the nature of what they experienced or may need to consider and receive for safety and healing for years to come after they get free (if that ever happens.)

See CA Protective Parents Association (CPPA) for important modern insights, stories and advocacy in this important field. Future generations are counting on those who have gone through such difficulties and can comprehend the challenges for all involved, particularly the victims. I would add too however important information and approaches such as videos and online counseling sessions are needed to try to help abusive people (of any, both or mixed gender and whatever age and level of abuse) consider what they have 'inherited from cultures, genetics, social and faith) premises and practices. Helping each person 're-parent themselves' by caring about their inner child from conception on through early childhood and adulthood and over their lifetime. Being clear about their life routines and who is really in their living space, their social or romantic space and so on would help one 'see the pieces of one's life' and likely gain a foothold on appropriate boundaries and interactions. It's not necessarily going to happen overnight, althoug mapping out one's family tree, life path of where one has lived, gone to school or learned, skills and interests, trips and more. Considering things were 'inputted' can allow one to revise and tweak 'hard and fast' ideas. Giving oneself a 'fresh start'. Any kind of stepping back from one's life, looking at one's life on paper or a flip chart (which happens to be an idea the speaker is sharing on the Teachers of God talk right now). She is suggesting doing things in a group, as from ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics (whose founder I happened to meet a few weeks ago.) When you get Honest Open and Willing about seeking insight into one's life, much can open up especially with support. "Father, you're way is the way I'd choose to go today..." is the start of a quote she is sharing. It's overall about getting challenges, since those are lessons which may get bigger and bolder along the line. Okay I will wrap this up so not to lose the post...She is sharing that we are all part of overall outplaying of a Christlike journey.

Even though our lives don't always look that way, we are more contained because we are all part of a whole. Spirit 'is the means by which God's son is saved because God's plan is to find the sinlessness in me.' We need to forgive ourselves... Judging our neighbor is easier to do than to judge ourselves... 'I am salvation's means and end as well. Let me take the role of accepting atonement for myself, so it is reflected in the atonement in you'. Now that is a quick summary so don't take it all word for word... There is a Clarification of Terms guidebook.  She read, 'True perception may all be one...many words are interchangeable...forgiveness, atonement, salvation etc.'.  Then she goes on to read Lesson 319 (Calendar Lessons from Teachers of God). The truth may come immediately to fill up the space the ego left unoccupied by lies (Jesus or I came with Jesus in me--my interpretation of what she is saying...) "I came for the salvation (healing, forgiveness, etc) of the world."


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