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See and explore option to help someone train!

on Sun, 08/10/2014 - 03:18

The short introductory videos on offer important ideas for our times and specifically for all people, particularly those looking for non-invasive ways to address any health or life issues in short, practical sessions. The director of a training is offering a course in October 2014 and likely not another until next year. I spoke with her and she feels I could handle the extensive weeklong training based on my experiences and interest. I am doing an informal 'crowdfunding' pitch here to see if I may find some supporters to help me cover the $2500 in training fees for the 9-day program in Southern CT, which is only about 2 hours from where I live. I likely can find some housing so the main fee for the course is my focus now and to get a discount of $200 I need to pay by August 15th. IF I can refer someone who joins I'd also get another $200 off! I could even give that person half of that back to share that savings.

I heard the director Lisa Zaccheo speak about 2 months ago at the Simsbury Library and feel she is very professional and encouraging. She has been doing this work for over 10 years and has helped thousands of people. I am interested in the benefits I will gain doing the sessions and will be giving 50 sessions for free, so that would be a win-win. If I get 100 people to donate $25, that would cover the costs. I could likely pay about 50 people back by June 1st. There would be no charge for the sessions, that would be part of my continued training. I do also do The Reconnection work which run from 100 to $333 for a one-time Reconnection. I had one and took all levels of the training and feel it is very beneficial.

  The oldest person I have given a Reconnection to was 93 and he's not 96 so it's been positive for him as well. I don't mean to confuse people by mentioning my other training, but find I have not had time to advertise and find out all the details in terms of giving those sessions. Basically, even though I think it is amazing and would be one of my first stops (along with healing prayer from caring people, with a Christian focus), it's not often readily sought out. Most people are becoming aware of how past experiences sometimes 'hang on' and may be factoring into their stress or illness. I appreciate being able to make this kind of request here and am open to feedback. Thanks for sharing with others as you can. Please e-mail me at Many thanks!


The e-book Thinking and Destiny describes the more abstract parts of being a human being or entity.

e don't  have everyday words for the aspects of our energy and knowing that the lengthy book describes as central to our essence as human beings. Consider where our energy goes when we sleep.

Then realize that we likely have a lot going on when we are awake (even breathing and having our heart beating and much more with the parasympathetic nervous system than we ever imagined in the ol' days) as well as more conscious thinking and feeling.

Well, the overall message is not easy to pinpoint when it comes to hypnosis but the Table of Contents can guide you to the sections that deal with it ( I think about  p 860). More than meets the eye and mind happens when we 'turn out will or direction' over to another person...not that they are doing things we would not allow or are not conscious of, but as they explain it, We should be giving ourselves the suggestions to keep in sync with 'how we humans work'. Being hypnotized the writing offers, can open a door to allow for other ways of being more open to suggestion than may be desirable. I

still imagine there are plenty of times and conditions where hypnosis by a reputable practioner would be appropriate, yet would like to learn more about the options for self-hypnosis (which some say we do naturally..but again, I need to read up and ponder these things.) Just charting my learning process, which has been rather extensive over the past decade plus and really harkens back to many studies and faith experiences even as  child.

Thanks for factoring all of this in and while it seems  a luxury to ponder such important matters, maybe the key to healing ourselves and the plan-its and climate change are more closely linked than we have understood. Some say our bodies are directing the universe, that we are not just specks on the wheel of time and matter (who knew?)

Well, most who believe in the spiritual essence of people and of higher beings, of a greater love force and beings have a clue, but again, the interplay has not been clearly explored (down to the nuts and bolts or our case as our organs may relate to the stars..again ideas from Thinking and Destiny as well as other theories which can be inspirational if not truly informative.

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