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Listen for free to 10-7-14 for a few days!

on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 12:40

Before I let my mind relay a few ideas about do-re-me or Money/ Wealth/ The Good Life/ the Real Deal, let me share some great news for a free offer from for Tuesday, October 7th, 2014 through the next few days (when you can listen for 48 hours after the initial phone call or webinar).Go to and get the info to call in. Try 424-440-5100 and 862166# if you don't have the internet. Hope that doesn't block me from getting in, yikes!

Check out other amazing events listed on The Shift site too such as World Food Day on Oct 16th, 2014 and Global Oneness Day Oct 24th, 2014. I took time to review some short videos and inspiring photos on youtube from David Adelson ( and learned more about The Purple Belt from other youtube info that says our earth ship is going through a 2000 trek of special frequencies which should help people harmonize and lighten up, not overnight but yes, starting NOW! Mainly, we'll all be aware of our spiritual or energy side of our beings and less tied to a 3-D reality..we'll go to 4th and up dimensional awareness...sounds like the medicine we need for our times when the scientists say our planet is heating up and we really need to 'do less and breathe more' to give ourselves and plan-it heart a chance to make it a few more centuries (or even decades).

I put my own spin on how I relay these messages to try to get through to folks in my age group (young 50s who really would be happy to think we're still in our 30s) and younger and of course, older folks too who are willing to 'let go and let good new ideas come into their realm of possibilities' which promote relaxation, reflection and reasonable measures to share and care about each other'. I think many from 50 and up tend to 'give up on changing the world' and are just trying to survive and go along for the ride...feeling 'it's futile or life is too short or nothing new can happen under the sun, or it's all in Gd's hands so we really shouldn't second guess anything that's happening' or there is nothing more than humans in charge so our fate is limited and sealed, with a fight for limited resources beng the only game that makes sense and so on...'

While money is really just paper with print on it or a debit card with numbers in the bank or a MC or Visa Credit Card with more numbers attached, we agree to certain meanings about what it is to 'have money, make it, lend it or spend it..or refuse it'. Money and Credit and even Debt Represent things--a value we have attached to products to live--food. clothing, goods and bigger items like homes or vehicles (whether renting, riding by fare in cars, buses, trains or planes, boats or bikes). Then there are the legalities of 'paying or not paying'.

When one joins one's Assets with that of another for a project, a certain amount of time, in terms of maintaining a home or caring for each other and maybe others (kids, other adults, siblings, friends even) then again the Terms of Agreement should be well-understood. If people frequently review 'what they have signed up for' or at least are not taken by surprise (someone coloring outside the lines of being mutually responsible for being honest and accountable for Requests before spending or buying on credit 'even on their own' if they really do need to be accountable for their own other bills and of course if there is some kind of partnership agreement verbally, implicit or even better explicitly in writing so 'history cannot be retold with a he said-she said, or one person versus the other or group of others sleigh of hand or memory'. 



I've been fortunate to find a friend who let me use their computer to listen to the 20 min talks, and culled the wisdom from 20 speakers..I'll share a few highlights  soon. Nice to share what we learn as we can and build a business to help the world too, the new wave of collaboration to help the planet and people in balance.

Thanks for tuning in to this site and sharing as you can! Let me know how we might network here or on to promote healing, helpful communities for one and all. Talks, online networks and business friendships all can spur more people to walk their talk and thrive with meaningful work (not necessarily  one job). 

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