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Happy Solstice, Dec 21st, 2016 as the clock strikes midnight on the 22nd

on Thu, 12/22/2016 - 05:32

Wishing everyone a special moment of quiet and reflection on being on one aspect of journeying around the sun and now changing toward another aspect...

I think I have that right, where we have moved our farthest from the sun and now will circle (elliptically) back toward the sun. I have folks close to me who have this as their birth time of year, with angels from including Nithael for eternal youth and rejuvenation (on the 19th and likely through the 21st of December but I'll have to check on that.)

That angel corresponds with my May 14th birthday so I feel doubly blessed and happy to 'pay special attention' to this particular time of year in a new informed way. That's better than almost getting done in by some random car or pedestrian accident which has also  Almost occurred a few times.

But back to thinking Positively... a lovely festive evening with a small group of people included yummy lentil soup, good bread and goat cheese and some left over birthday treats. A few folks took turns thinking of what they'd like to focus on individually as the seasons turn this winter, which has officially happened today.

Then a reading from Hal Borland's Book of Days, Twelve Moons and singing Oh Should We Curse the Winter...which has the final verse, no since it's when the light returns (and the original version says it is when The  Christ-child was born.)

I  realize there is much controversy over religion and more of that should be explained to help more people of each faith understand where each other is coming from historically so modern perspectives can be put in context. Some discussions were lively about how couples met, who might want to meet someone (and the dating site Bagel was mentioned and deemed worthy, but look into it for oneself.)

Then some Differences of Opinion emerged over whether modern medical people in America aka Doctors, Can and Do give advice about nutrition, exercise, or other things they may not have been officially trained in. Can they help patients try to prevent disease or conditions, seek alternative healing and openly discuss options other than allopathic medicine (presciption drugs) legally or practically?

Some said they found doctors could not or would not. Another was clear that he had positive experiences. Someone shared just using water for a few days was enough for someone to cure a chronic (as in Years long) urine infection whereas many rounds of antibiotics had not helped. Could the docs have known or shared that 'remedy with the person'? She shared legally they were saying they could not do so.  

That's the kind of thing that merits Clarification for the general in what people Have Experienced, Thought they Should Have Had Support or been told early on in a friendly manner by a doctor that there were limitations to what they could do in terms of 'practicing medicine' even if some people think Doctors are G-d or at least infallible and very wise.

Then a discussion about 'who can decide what topics are pursued, and how any person might be able and wlling to Request that the conversation topic change (and ideally have one to offer or give people a minute to disengage for refreshment and bathroom breaks for a few minutes before needing or hoping to launch into a new topic altogether.)

These ideas for communication tips 101 could be printed on a Tee Shirt such as 'If anything I say bothers you, just ask me to stop or put your stop sign hand signal up, or walk away without explanation right away. Call or email me later, or not as you may want to do.

Explain what bothered you or not about what I was saying. If something came up for you from the past, you may share or not, however you wish. And there's Lots More to consider such as is shared by Jennifer McLean in her Spontaneous Transformation process.

If interested, consider the book Expect the Unexpected by Bill Phillips or books by John Newton or others about how to 'not think too much' before you say something or write a story. The idea is we can know things intuitively not only from 'our own memory and mind or thinking, but pick up signals from the universe.

Some may come from those on the other side. The other posts on this blog flesh out a number of ways on how to use your brain (or try Not to do so with ancient 'dreaming outloud' techniques. But these also need care and guidance when trying and maybe are simply worthwhile to learn about, a bit like the more entertaining forms of group hypnosis done at colleges and such.

Those too however are not something I recommend people do willy-nilly. The overall Big Point is there is a Lot we don't know and while many have said we couldn't or shouldn't try to know, a basic education About the topics likely could help one not be caught off guard and jumping in with both feet where they might be better off treadiing lightly and with trusted friends and people. For now, we'll keep this more on the here and now.

Though there are likely still some 'Holy Cow' moments and much of what I write flows from one idea to the next, intentionally unedited..and sometimes called in white-speak, subconscious writing, so there's a little nugget of naming to keep track of some of this inspired summary and reflection for y'all to ponder (to help you wake up, fall asleep, calm a panic attack..though maybe another post would be better for that. I'll have to plan a light and easy one and put that in the title.)

Each person being engaged in the process, having time to share that something may be bothering them and explore options in a cordial manner, as much as possible, about taking the group conversation in another direction. Taking a break and letting people go into another room or take a short walk if a hallway or outdoors is readily available could be another option.

These are some of the 'take-aways' from a fruitful and mostly festive evening, but with a couple of surprising twists. Here's to journeying with a sense of fair play, good timing (for parties, talks, cleaning up and pacing oneself through busy times...and more.)From earlier in the month, Happy Hannukah and now Happy Solstice, with a Merry Christmas to those celebrating any or all of those..and then a Happy New Year should I not get back on here in a timely manner..better a little earlier than later. A good night's sleep is one that keeps giving one good energy throughout the day, so I will post on that cozy note!


Greetings from a small town setting where bright miracles of joy, forgiveness, and healing and fulfillment to one and all on our lovely earth home and to all in heaven (or the beyond.)

I have learned some amazing Possibilities of late and will share in future posts but all have to do with that idea that 'energy is neither created nor destroyed yet can change forms.'

When seeing a little one play with a dazzling toy that has a screen that lights up with LED (battery-powered flashlights with color) for a colorful picture to take on different hues, she remarked that sometimes when the sun goes down the clouds do turn pink so that 'really is the color of the sky' sometimes. I was reminded by some who have had NDE (near death experiences) that they sometimes see 'colors far more beautiful or intense and different from the ones we see here on earth with our human sight.' I used to wonder how people could 'see colors in their dreams', yet sometimes that seems to be the case. "Living color" can take on many meanings. Donna Eden, who has written books and was interviewed on the Jennifer McLean series offers many insights into 'energy we have literally at our fingertips or in our minds and apparently in our auras.

We may each have colors that see us through, that are part of our field and as we can appreciate those (and likely enliven their field with sunlight, relaxation and other positive yet relaxing experiences, we may glow and feel more radiant.)

Now back to the idea of Christmas and the many meanings it holds for cultures the world over. Some say the holiday marks the time of  the birth of Jesus, no matter the actual date which could have been more in the fall. The point that a young woman, Mary, cousin of Elizabeth who was pregnant with John (the Baptist), had a son who was to be called Jesus or Emmanuel (which means God with us.) The variations of what happens after the birth of Jesus in terms of his teachings and death are what distinguish the many forms of Christianity (I think I read 30 thousand types.) Then I realize because Each Person interprets things in a certain way based on their unique perspective of culture, gender, age, and much more (life experiences), every person likely has 'their own religion and understanding of spirit, G-d, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (which Jesus sent to be with people afte he died and went to heaven.)

Well, there is much to ponder at this time with carols highlighting many aspects of the history and outplaying of the meaning of G-d becoming human or incarnate in the form of Jesus and the possibility that Jesus message and offering of his own body and blood, in keeping with the will of his Father (life-giver, Creator of the world and of humankind and all of life in its many forms over the millions of years).

That the 'ultimate sacrifice' of Jesus suffering and dying for the sins of humanity to 'break a kind of spell' or condition brought on by the disobedience of Adam and Eve and many who did not follow the Jewish laws given to Moses.

With all due respect, the holiday of Hannukah which has a tradition of lighting a candle for each of eight nights that oil once kept burning for the Jews when that was needed, can be appreciated as well as part of Judeo-Christian traditions. Overall the Ten Commandments inform the laws of most modern societies, whether taken from a relgious or judicial context.

Many children and people have very little understanding of the historical connections to people of faith which formed our modern world. Yet as more 'end of world' scenarios are publicized due to climate change or other forces demanding a "New World Order" it might make sense to review matters.

Well, time to gather round the fireside, so to speak, go to many small church gatherings (after heaing Messiah's Hallelujah concert in Brooklyn NY, congratulations to all who are finding ways to mark their special occassions with themes of peace on earth and good will toward all.) Happy 2017 too...and Kwanzaa in between Dec 25th-31st where core values of intergrity and community are highlighted mainly for African Americans, but ideally for everybuddy whatever lovely color their skin pigment has played out to be and their soul colors glow..

.especially with that hue of brotherly and sisterly l-o-v-e!

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