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Happy New Year for 2014! Last Chance to DANCE in 2013 (our people time which is arbitrary, so still plenty of time to DANCE after Today! Hurray!)

on Tue, 12/31/2013 - 16:56

New Year's Eve, December 31st is the last day of 2013, but it could be the First Day you decide to do something wonderful. You may want to wrap up this Dec 31st New Year's Eve day ('arbitrarily named last day of the year) with some dancing and singing by yourself or with friends..Watching the ball drop in Times Square is 'the thing to do' for many at the time, even in the place of ol' New York ,New York .but plenty are happy to catch some of action on TV or online before midnight and see the replays on New Year's Day!

Why not take a few minutes to consider where the stars are tonight in the sky above you? That's the old calendar system....look to the stars and seasons for reasons to get up to work...and hopefully to dance as well. Never really known how to 'explore space" Take a moment to turn on some music if that's handy..if you can, likely you're already the dancin' type. Still it may be a NEW experience to realize you can move slowly side to side, frontwards for a few steps and backwards....shifting your weight by reaching your arms one at a time in a stretch from one side to the other, gently turning the top part of your body while standing still (we don't want anyone falling over and bumping their head or getting dizzy, so take all of this slowly as they do in tai chi.

Feel free to explore the room in your home or a place outdoors  (not in the middle of the road unless it's one of those truly quiet  straight country roads and you stay alert to cars and dogs) with these easy-does-it kind of moves. Stand still even for a few moments and close your eyes (again, not when in a busy spot..don't want anyone getting run over by cars or bikes..even on a country road). The beach would be a great spot to pretend one is standing on if you don't happen to have water near your home. Again, envision the waves lapping on the shore, even yourself sitting in a bungalow  or resting in a swaying hammock. Let your body move freely to the image of the wind blowing through your hair, chasing seagulls and feeling the sun dance upon your face.

These are ideas that my friend Karen offered on a 5-minute radio program called 'Time to Relax) twice a  day, which again is a great way to plan a time to rest or to move to add some 'down-time to one's day). Why not think of doing that at 9am and 9pm or other time that is convenient to factor in some me-time (and relax and rejuvenate as needed, maybe even for 10 minutes or more! Crazy that this would sound like a radical, indulgent idea in this workaday world, yet even if one has 'all the time in the world' marking some specific segments for oneself can help on focus and appreciate the many opportunities of morning, afternoon, evening and night to awaken to the gifts of each day and sleep cycle at night (for most).  

When the clock says your birth date, why not wish yourself and others a great day? Some times are more conducive to noting than others, but basically during the day at least one time you'll see your birth date on the clock.

If not, high noon could work too! The overall idea is to think in playful, creative ways for yourself and others in your circles and wider groupings (even online). How can we make the most with the wonderful gift of time here with others? There are many ways to connect and appreciate the gift of life, living, loving, learning and allowing for a more inclusive way of sharing our ball of magic in this a-maze-ing cosmos, don't  you agree?

A big Bonus I want to share for everybuddy to try out in 2014 is to recognize their own Special Days in addition to their birthday which stays the same each year. The special days would vary with one's age and even the last digit of one's age. Here's the basic plan--turn your age into a 'date of the month' for starters in January, the one special day for teens that concurs with their age would be in the first  9 days, as in 13 on Jan 3rd (and yes, 11 year olds on 1-1, 12s on 1-2, 14s on 1-4, 15s on 1-5, 16s on 1-6, 17s on 1-7, 18s on 1-8, 19's on 1-9 and 20 year olds on 1-10 (this is so 21s can be on track for 2-1, the date that matches their age, see?).

There are days each month for each age to celebrate as they like, but one per year that concurs with their age makes that all the more unique and like a Team Age# Day. Kind of cool, yes?Can help build team spirit, encourage people of every age to see themselves as a more awesome force in the world, hopefully for good, and even think of helping those younger then themselves say throughout the earlier years, the 1st 20 then helping those their own age and older as they reach 40 as well, just to offer some basics as to 'Why is this useful?" AARP has shown many the joy of hitting 50 but why leave all the fun to them? We all need All the Help we can get at every age and stage of life. Plus 'things keep changing and sometimes the memory and skill set--and bodies/ energy levels-- don't quite keep up!)

If you are 55, then the date would be 5-5 so your Special day would be May 5th!For continuity, let's call January a special month for those up to age 20, then February for those in their 20s (21 and up with 2-1 for 21 year olds, but really 20 year olds can be there too, it Jan 10th didn't quite fit into their schedule..see below for details!) Then March would be for the 31 year olds and up (and yes, 30 year olds can celebrate on 3-1 as well as 2-10 which is shorthand for 20 plus 10 in this system and so on..maybe read through twice, thanks! Tips welcome to help me improve this system I thought up over a year ago!) April would be for 41-year olds and up, May for 51 and up, June for 61 and up, July for 71 and up, August for 81 and up, September for 91 and up, and October for 100 and up. Then another idea for October is to remember those who have journeyed on, by whatever age they lived to as that unfolds from Oct 1st through December which I'll do in another post. But really, it is nice to be able to remember all people, living and deceased, with these special days (to the ages they actually lived to or 'how old they would be this year' if that's helpful). Now for the basic system...

For those who are only one digit old, their special day each month would be the day of the month their age is:

Preganant moms and their babies, Infants up to 12 months old and One-year-olds on the 1st,

2- year -olds on the 2nd,

3-year-olds on the 3rd,

4 year-olds on the 4th,

5 year-olds on the 5th,

6 year-olds on the 6th,

7 year-olds on the 7th,

8 year-olds on the 8th,

9 year-olds on the 9ths and

10 year olds on the 10th!

In addition, we can celebrate anyone turning a new decade on the 10th of each month, so 20, 30, 40, 50,60, 70, 80, 90 and even 100 and 110 year olds could all be recognized on the 10th!

The calendar allows for some more specific dspecial days with the teen ages as in the 11 year-olds on the 11th, the 12 year olds on the 12th, the 13 year-olds on the  13th, the 14 year olds on the 14th, 15 year olds on the 15th, 16 year olds on the 16th, 17 year olds on the 17th, 18 year olds on the 18th, 19 year olds on the 19th and even 20 year olds on the 20th!

Again, if it's helpful all folks who are a certain decade old could be enjoying the 20th should the 10th be hard for them to remember or use in their collecitve or personal celebrating. As may be clearn there are still days beyond the 20th so those can be used in the following special way, everyone in their 20s can be celebrating their lives on the 20th, those in their 30s on the 21st (think 2+1=3 then times 10=30 and add 'something to that' to get 30 Somethings).

Those in their 40s can be on the 22nd, (2+2=4x10 plus something equals 40 Somethings). Those in their 50s can be on the 23rd, (2+3=5x10 plus something equals 50 Somethings)...we could share this notion with AARP for those in these honorable age groups.

Those in their 60s can be on 24th (2+4=6 times 10 plus something equals 60 Somethings). Those in their 70s can be on the 25th (2+5=7 times 10 plus something equals 70 Somethings).

Those in their 80s can be on the 26th (2+6=8 times 10 plus something equals 80 Somethings). Those in their 90s can be on the 27th (2+7=9 times 10 pluse something equals 90 Somethings. Those in their 100s can be celebrated on the 28th (2+8=10 times 10 plus something equals 100 Somethings!!)

That can help people feel wise like the tortoise ( a large turtle who lives steadily for  a long time) in the story of the Tortoise and the Hare (a rabbit who likes to live erratically and speedily at times thinking he can forego finishing the race even though he expects to win it for his abilities). This kind of 'group acknowledgement not only of one's age group but of everyone as being a member of a special time and generation, can perhaps help the world feel more friendly and organized.

Food for thought: Everyone was born of a woman, with a dad in picture on some level energetically even if not fully present. Same with some of the moms likely shortly after a baby is born. One or more caregivers stepped in to meet a child's basic needs in the early years of life. Now child care centers often meet those needs for families who need to make a living with two-incomes or who find that works best for their family. Perhaps people from every age group could find ways to connect with childcare centers, faith groups and schools and other programs to help share their wisdom and talents as well as care with these newer souls on the planet, which can be thought of as plan-it heart as much as planet earth.

Our hOMeship can be viewed as a healing place for US-All and insights from Thriver Movement and other sites offer ideas that we are energetically interacting in ways that are likely as meaningful as any physical interaction. Our social connections can be very meaningful, again by sharing ideas and insights as much as actually being in each other's presence. Enjoy af few moments on the Edgar Cayce site to consider theories about us never losing a day in terms of our energy, not when we're awake or asleep and not even when we 'die' or leave our mortal bodies or come back again and again..

Enjoy dancing and delighting in this New Year Eve's day and and New Year's day tomorrow and every day thereafter..with the special days which schools, towns and online groups can embellish (and please consider using these with credit given to me and count this as a copyright which someday could help US-All make more income, but overall is shared so that everybuddy can feel more valued, included, recognized and celebrated.

Share ideas for building team spirit and education for each age group and ways to help parents and people at every age and stage of life. As more minds work at this the waves of love and good works can spread from shore to shore..and peace from sea to shining sea! 


Likely some systems exist to note medical conditions, number  children and ages, but a practical common system is not readily available. Common forms that people use among themselves to keep track of things may grow and then others could use them to translate information onto other needed forms or maybe more user-friendly businesses and doctors would accept such forms. Who knows the applications (and yes likely computer apps exist for much  of this so maybe the ideas above could be added to those as options for planning events and so on.) Let's keep track of ourselves (appts on a calendar and check the calendar, mabye tell a friend and let them help you keep track if that's an issue...). Share ideas here or with others to encourage more success in the small things in life and of course the bigger things too. Have a sparkling day and life, one year at a time...or should that be a sparkling year and life, one day at a time?

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