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Happy 51st to me and Mark Zuckerberg and tons of others..and Happy Birthday to You whenever your Birthday is and your Special Days for your Age (see post on New Year's 2014)

on Tue, 05/13/2014 - 14:11

Happy Birthday to me and everybuddy else on their respective birthdays! Doesn't tuning into the "reality" (which more are saying we are all making up and there is hardly anything that is really matter so that hardly matters the way we've been trained to think it does) that one was 'born from a woman's womb' on a certain day and at a certain time make us appreciate that everybuddy came into the world at a certain time and in a similar way (more or less). Who was in your family or caregiving circle when you showed up at the party going on here on earth (and likely connected to the one going on in heaven)?

I enjoyed celebrating my half-centruy mark all year, and got to many community events which always make me feel there is a bit of a party going on around my hilly, natural area where people live in small, mostly quiet numbers. School plays like Hello Dolly, Ragtime, and most recently Mulan and a host of events at the Warner rounded out a year of mixing and mingling with talented actors and lovely audience members who show up with good attitudes and behaviors. Events such as agricultural fairs and harvest fairs, great talks at clubs and local nursing homes as well as healing centers help me keep thinking on ways to live simply and yet fully with neighbors near and far.

This month opened for me with visits from family who were ready to have friendly food-filled gatherings so the dieting will have to wait til after I'm 51 and ready to be on the run (and walk, a minute at time then increase to 5 min of each over time, as my doc feels would be reasonable..I'm only 30 pounds overweight but that's the hardest for the body to handle and is like being more like 50 or more over, so time to back peddle.)

Like little surprises from heaven, I chanced to win a ticket as a runner-up to the Mom Grows a Business Conference (which took place in White Plains, birth place of Mark  Zuckerberg whose turning 30 on 5-14-14) and decided to take advantage of their discount price for attendees, so I get to go again in October 2015! Already I'm trying to plan to be more on track with following through with plans to do many projects that have been on the back burner and 'dream big, walk tall and live well'  as I promoted as cool goals for US-All back in the nineties.

(I want to add a condolence and moment of silence here for a  young woman whose life was claimed by another student in CT on 4-25-14, Maren Sanchez, whose life seemed full of promise and ended the very morning the conference encouraging women that  I was going to was help about an hour away. May her soul be at peace and her family and school community heal as we face sudden loss and transitions particularly of a volatile kind. More preventive measures can help avert some dangers, but not all. Still moving in that direction as Spikes Ride and many Sandy Hook and Petit Family Foundation outreaches promote do make a difference.)

The other day someone doing genealogy asked me what my Dad's mother's name was and I realized her family name of Biggs gave 'dream Big' an added meaning for dream in the realm of what would honor our family legacy from the West (they were from New Mexico). My grandma Biggs died when having her 8th child who lived and was raised by family. I hope to meet him and see the rest of the gang sometime this next decade. ) On my birthday which falls so close to Mother's Day this year, and is after a wonderful nephew's who is headed to med school, I have to appreciate the gift of life our parents and Their parents and their parents also provided during times of real hard work and living over a century ago.

The Chinese say that the grands and great-grands really influence our chi or energy, our genetics and such more profoundly than the actual parents. The DNA is already set in the eggs or ovum of a mother, so aside from how she eats and lives, she is not really changing the basic genetic info and matter she gives to her child. The father's too is also 'predetermined' and yet eating well (and being drug free) is the way to go. Also taking 'pre-pregnancy' vitamins if also recommended now for  a few months to help get off on the right nutritional start (and avoid any serious deficiencies).

Time to enjoy the day before my actual birthday. I wonder what Mark Z and others are up to before their birthdays and if they'll find out about their other special days linked to their ages. That's on another post or two, the New Year's 2014 entry. I'll be celebrating with all 51 year-olds on May 1st, 2015 (5-1) and that future doctor will be 19 so he'd be part of the 19th of each month and 1-9 (Jan 9th, 2015). Once the 20th of th month comes round, that's for those in their 20s, then the 21st if for those in their 30s (2+1 times 10) and 22nd on the 40s, 23rd for 50s, 24th for 60s, 25th for 70s, 26 for 80s, 27 for 90s and 28 for 100s and up. See how these Ideas can help us really start to appreciate one another and encourage more group thinking for how to help people by the decades and really in their first 20 years of life (where every day correlates with an age with 1 for those up to age 1, then 2 for 2s, 3 for 3s, 4 for 4s and on.

On another inspirational note for the day (along with the full moon which likely is charging up dream cycles and lofty thoughts just by shedding so much moonlight to brighten the darkness) check out youtubes of or Eric Pearl. A friend whose had a Reconnection told me he say Eric on TV and I said I'd been wondering how his RC was factoring into my friend's life and mine (since I've had one also and can give them as can any on their directory). I'd say anyone with a health concern or just wanting to have the one-time Reconnection would likely benefit from doing so. Of course, offers ideas how to wake up and go to sleep slowly and gently tapping one's heart area (center of chest) and solar plexus and lower back near base of spine (called Snow Mountain) which can help avoid problems with quick transitions that affect blood pressure. This tip is shared in hopes more people will look into ways to Help Themselves and Not over-depend on Doctors and Others to tell them when they have a problem.

Often it's 'too little too late' and a quick road to medications and surgery whereas looking to be healthy and balanced in one's living, thinking, eating ,exercise and such before one is not feeling well makes a lot of sense. Most medical folks do not learn about nutrition or the energy systems of the body (chakras, Chinese medicine ideas about the seasons, influence of organ health on one's overall health, emotions, and much more). Just some food for thought, before enjoying birthday cake (eclairs or cookies, or yes a more healthy version of just a happy birthday salad)

Good wishes to one and all, and many thanks to all who have brightened my life and helped through times of darkness..and lots of love to those above, my parents and son and brother and many good friends and other relatives and amazing people who walked the earth making this area and world what it is today by being part of the story and giving their life's energy to their dreams, and leaving a good legacy to keep US-All on track.

A little pun  with the word track in their since Folk-Legacy has many folk music songs and were recorded 'track by track'. Each of us is writing the story of our lives and singing our songs (and hopefully can record some in various forms--by tape, CD, photos, video-- for our loved ones and others to have later on. Wish I'd done more of that for our son Kaelan Paton whose been gone almost 5 years now but the media coverage of his passing showed what a beautiful spirit and great energy he had when trying to save a friend from the HoUSAtonic River on the last day of high school as freshmen.

I do treasure the hug he gave me a month before on my birthday, because we'd been estranged due to difficulties beyond our control for a few years. I know many parents face struggles keeping track of their kids (there's that word message track again) but it really is important to set up networks with clear agreements about what is allowed for an age-group and area particularly for minors when their parents are legally responsible for them to a large extent.

Doing so with a deep appreciation for what parents going through custody disputes face or 'just divorce' or other kinds of conflict and separation to keep the peace can help all parents and even youth abide by more meaningful guidelines about the privileges of living in this country or in places with good opportunities and support for people. In more dangerous places (and CT has some of the best and the worst cities, and areas for living) the networks and oversight would be all the more important.

A video of people finding ways to build community in New Orleans not only after Katrina but due to the high shooting rates was shown in my hometown area before a friend went there. He still went but was all the wiser and had a good journey which then continued onto New Mexico. So that brings me full circle to fhinking about the roots of my life, from family out West to those on the coast here in CT and looking to a bright next half a century (plus or minus) in good health and with a wealth of wonderful friends and cyber connections. Feel free to share your thoughts on a comment here or elsewhere on the blog or in your town (that takes a little more courage, so borrow some of mine if needed). Have a starrific day!



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Телемаркетинг сквозь электронную почитаю (E-mail Marketing) - это экспедиция маркетинговых сообщений числом электронной почте или по почте для клиентов
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