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on Sat, 06/03/2017 - 12:41

Amidst hearing the 'depressing news' on WNYC about President Trump declaring the Paris Climate Accord 'disadvantages' the US, I heard about an exciting Cultural Arts Festival in Brooklyn NY which I can likely enjoy at some point. Maybe a little networking at said cultural event (and all other gatherings) could promote networking and building awareness. Unfortunately now WNYC is describing the more visible opiod epidemic, with people showing up in public places, such as the library in Philadelphia having clear problems, even overdosing on the door step.

Those advocates promote the idea of more people getting trained in administering Narcan since it can truly be a lifesaver. There should also be more public outreach workers out daily to see if they can get more people into treatment (if not save their lives with Narcan or other interventions as needed.)The whole country can appreciate that this 'draws us together' and calls us to think compassionately and creatively with care for self and others in a meaningful, timely way. Hearing that NYC passed an huge budget to help people make ends meet, with more help for food and housing (particularly for veterans who served in a war) indicates that 'it's no secret these are difficult times.' I saw an add about having rents frozen for certain income groups for a period of time, so again, efforts are being made to help people. Back to the arts, where many can 'take a mini-vacation, network and get inspired', more practical social work help could be shared at a table or with people giving out flyers to those willing to post in appropriate places. 

While graduates hear such speeches at this time of year, hopefully everyone can step into the role of advocate and activist as they tune into the bigger challenges we face together to help ourselves and future generations. Happy Activism and Arts Summer!


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