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Is the Zoo Speaking to You, Maybe in Your Dreams? A Meeting With the Minds of Animal Beings...

on Thu, 01/26/2017 - 13:58

Last night (likely early this morning really since we may dream on and off in the last two hours of our sleep I think I read somewhere), I had a dream that I was at the Millbrook School's Trevor Zoo in New York where I visited last Friday with friends.

The two red wolves and red pandas, hawks and many other colored and shaped creatures were a delight to see in real life and friendly to meet up with again in my moonlit dream setting. The wire cages were opened enough to allow all of them to gather in a central area, with a calm sense of peaceful meeting of the minds, eyes, hearts and souls.

The large dog looking wolves padded softly and calmly into the group, with no other animals reacting with fear or flight.

The red pandas seemed curious about the people standing ahead of them. They were maybe going to among them as they allowed themselves the continuous meandering beyond their wire-caged limits.

The furry and scaly covered animals were walking and moving about with ease and a central focus of appreciating one another and the 'time off' from the bright busy day. In a relaxed manner, they were acknowleding their down time in the quiet hours of the night, with a soothing moonlight enlivening their hilltop setting.

The humans were welcome among them, like kindred beings on the planet.

A keeper of the zoo discovered the motley crew of critters and people and was going to ask in disbelief,  "What the..."

Yet as he looked around at the serene beings, he seemed to come into the sense of wading in new waters and understanding that yes, while we were free and moving about, no one was running away, causing harm or worry. We were having a cool hang-out session and he was welcome to join in which he did.

 A few adults, children and an array of animals calmly creating their own reverent and pleasant meeting of the minds and reflecting on the times they were witnessing in the world, from the beauty and bigness of the earth and nature, to the politics of who is feeding whom, the give and take of energies and inspiration, meaning and mindfulness

While the dream lasted a short time, in other ways it felt timeless. "This is how hard it has to be," not hard at all.

This is how amazing it is, very much so. These are how many creatures are ready to commune on the planet, all species.

This is our shared home and our vibration of om...being together in peace with a sense of dreaming out loud. It was a dream I hoped to learn was real, since it felt wonderfully authentic, at a deep spiritual level as well as actually being there. All the people felt the same way, and the gathering had just begun....


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