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Who Better to Help You Find Your Sparkle than Kevin Diamond? Free video clip to start polishing your talents!

on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 04:15 is the link to click to learn more from a fellow who knows You've Got Talent and can help you hone how to turn that into a successful business (and likely serve your tribe whose Waiting for You to do so.)

Combine your Skills and Launch an Idea or Start a Business!
Download/Watch FREE 5 Min. Video to turn your skills into a sustainable business
Kevin Diamond: Location Independent Owner of Web Design Agency
Business Launch Program 2017:

Don't delay in pressing "play" and inquire about a consult with this fellow who I got to meet on one coast and consult via phone with on the other (With me still in the cold NE but it was nice to talk to someone savvy and cool in California!) We got chatting on Facebook over that thread of 'how did we meet' and he shared the simple answer *saying hello in a pizza place) and me recounting how insightful he was when we actually were having a cool conversation.

Then we got talking about Business Opportunities so he offered me a half-hour consult which I found very worthwhile. I wanted to return the favor and really extend that to You Livfully Friends, so here's to your ongoing success in all areas of your life and thanks to Kevin for sharing his links with US-All!


In case folks get inspired to work with someone from the post above, there are plenty of cool coaches out there. Patty Lennon and some others offer some tips online and maybe even group programs. Kevin did some world travelling with great drone photography.Good luck to all following their dreams for a kinder, groovier world!

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