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Aerial Dancers, One and All In Time by Catherine Palmer Paton aka Livfully

on Tue, 10/10/2017 - 21:44

Aerial Dancer

Alighting on Majestic Flower

On the Golden Red Tower

Applauds With Its Bright Wings

All of Creation Silently 

Displaying Its Mosaic Painted Wings

Then Disappearing The Mystery by 

Clapping Its Wings Shut

Whether This Creature Is Male

Or Female, Parent Or Child

This Monarch Butterfly 

Resting on The Iridescent 

Purple Cone Flower 

Is Part of Creaton 

As Are We All

As Is The Flower

The Soil and The Sky

To Which the

Delicate Yet Magical Butterfly

And Each of Us In Turn 

Will Return


This poem was inspired by a real life butterfly landing in my Turtle Garden in northwest CT and giving me a bit of inspiration on July 28, 2011. That would have been about two years after Kaelan's passing, our teen son whom I speak about in the context of the many events and issues our family was facing (as millions do as well) in the piece Remembering Kaelan. I was posting this at 5;14pm which is like a wink from heaven with a reminder of my birthdate.

 I listened just now 10-10-17 to Day 1 of which had Lynne Twist Sharing ideas for shifting our consciousness to End Hunger. There is a Pacchamamma Alliance, #ProsperityFilm, and more info to dig into with friends. Lynne Twist shared the insight about how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly by having some lead cells shift after its eaten its full.

Then clusters of other cells which become liquid join the lead cells. She was  using that idea to paint a picture as many other groups and movements have done to inspire everyone to feel into the sense of leadership and joining together.  We can speak a new reality into being and take more directed steps to achieve that. I heard another good talk last night by Lauren Galey with Shirley Irene Ponto, Michelle Anderson on Quantum Conversations (about Lemurian Heart Temple Meditation., that was on 10-9-17.) That I happened to find it and have time to listen to the whole thing was amazing in itself (one of 15 still on the phone from the 120 that were on the call went a while. Some things take time, ya know?) I hope to hear more of a few programs, from You Wealth Revolution, Deborah Wayne, Jenn McLean (my Mom would say that's a fine rhyme.)

Okay so I hope your Oak-tober 2017 is finding you in a positive mode even if one of transition and 'letting what no longer serves you' have space to leave your main menu of consciounsness, worry or pain. Some say leg and joint pain can be a sign of letting go of old stuff that no longer helps one stand in their truth... I also have heard Tumeric ground up with some orange juice and cocunut milk could be a good drink (and a dash of cayenne to really give the aches and pains the boot.) However, Check with nutritional folks, Chinese herablists and others. Sometimes there are other gentler things (than cayenne which is hot red pepper, fyi.) LIN Herbs has a good fellow to consult with, Frank. at 4 Bowery St in Chinatown in NYC. I hope to visit him again sometime soon to see how my systems are doing.

Good health is key to long term body maintenance. and so eat, drink and be wise and you can be merry too. And Pull-ease... no ice cold drinks, extreme hot ones either and about the same with foods.. we're only human after all, not polar bears or immune to the effects of what we ingest regardless of what the commercials Show You. The proof is in the pudding (on of fat, and the overall health over a long time..youth doesn't count since there's a high tolerance for poor habits but they can catch up fast in one's twenties and thirites. Easy on the carbs, alcohol and smokes..and you should be good to grow and spread your wings for fanciful lifetime journeys and when the time comes, a peaceful good health! 


Happy Heavenly Birthday, Kaelan our wonderful son who shared 16 years with us after being born a whopping 9 plus pounds only 25 years ago. How did that all come to be in terms of 'soul groups' and lining up the right conditions after not succeeding a few times in trying to have a second child? Like a fairy tale, you arrived in full form with a warm, friendly disposition in our country abode. Keeping our boat afloat financially seemed our biggest challenge, yet we got other tests with trying to help care for others..the elderly and an iddy biddy baby whose also 25 now and thriving helping others, God Bless her and he baby bro whose also a strapping teen now. For all the challenges there have been manifold blessings. Love you bunches and feel your magical presence in our small towns which don't change much one decade to the next and the big family and smaller circles too...just a whole lot of pondering and living going on..and dreaming. Hugs to All the Crew in Heaven...where you can keep celebratng in ways we can't quite imagine.


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