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One Double-Header Superbowl Sunday for Livfully blogger...(Moi) but hats off to the Tommy cast at the Warner and Lady Gaga,The Patriots and Falcons! Plus, Where would we be without our regular bodily functions, not just our senses?

on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 02:55

I knew I'd have a busy day since I wanted to usher at The Warner Theatre to see the musical Tommy with songs like Pinball Wizard. I happened to think of asking a Canadian friend who was visiting here in America if he knew that song. At first he didn't think so, but then said, "Oh yeah." But plenty of younger adults don't know it, so go ahead and give a listen on youtube.

And is there a movie? I need to do more research, but like a few others in the audience, 'we didn't know the story line, just the music'.  Taboo topics like silencing a  child whose witnessed violence, child molestation and  illicit drug use (on a child to bring him out of a state of not speaking...) were covered amidst the rock and roll score, dancing and great delivery of the full-stage production with fog and strobes (and a real gun with a blank fired.)

Now that was my afternoon. I squeezed in a some housecleaning for a friend and saying hello to folks at a luncheon and bringing food from that to another family for a treat. Then off to the Torrington CT Warner's Theatre matinee. I got back to home base in time for the Super Bowl (mostly tuning in now and then for the commercials).

Happy to have caught the half-time show live and was impressed as likely were the many there and watching...millions.. that's what's impressive too, that people can actually find ways (and means, time and energy) to focus on such a crazy yet culturally collective adventure. On that note, I'll hit the hay early... Congratulations to  the Falcons from Atlanta on their win..and all the best to the New England Patriots for showing up in style.

TIme for more of us couch potato types to think of doing a little hustle and working on building muscle. I did see a nice group of older women and a younger sort do an hour of simple but steady exercised to improve balance and strenght. Using weights that wrapped on their legs, and simple knee bends and such as well as walking toe to toe twenty steps in one direction then another were some of the basics.

Rolling over in bed is not quite like doing so on the floor or the ground, but it's a start and Dr. Sha usually recommends Very Slowly Getting OUt of Bed (see his site and google ideas.)

The point is to Not go from sleeping to jumping out of bed. I used to think if I got a 'jump start to my day' that would help me feel energized for hours. Dr. Sha describes such a change in position as too much of a stress on blood pressure and possibly a factor in bringing on a heart attack (especially exercising right upon waking.) I recall a friend's Dad having a routine of 40 push ups before bed and upon maybe I'll see if he's still doing that in his 70s, and even though it's worked okay, later in the day likely would be better. 

I benefitted from an acupuncture treatment for TMJ (who knew that'd maybe help?) It hurt like the dickens (the treatment as well as the TMJ) but was worth it. I am now doing some herbs (which ran about 50 dollars for 5 bags that need to be simmered one per day in 6 cups of water for an hour and a I have 3 cups of tea to drink, about a half hour after meals but all before 6pm.)

I don't know if that is routine and that was for other issues (think digestion that is a question and likely something regular doctors don't even know to check for... I'll find a way to share more another time on some cool acupuncture and deep massage basics, which happened to be this person's specialty as well.) Okay, don't give up if something is ailing you. Likely alternative therapies can help address the matter.

Often sugar, wheat and dairy etc are 'the culprits' or may make processing food challenging. Old stool can build up in one's pipes (intestines) and finding the right way to shift that (not necessarily any laxative or herb so that's where it can be good to do research and ask a skilled person.) Maybe the Ayurvedic-based company Banyan Botanicals would have some ideas as might the Paleo-Cleanse kits and so on. But nice to check in with those with experience and know 'what to expect'  or look for in terms of checking or stopping.

Well the topics of 'starting and stopping' kind of relate to the game of football. Hopefully more Americans can brave the belly talk. Fidel Moreno gave some good insights into Native culture which connects a sense of respect to one's beginnings in the mother's womb and learning from one's parents, elders and others, respecting the earth and The Creator. He had about 20 children and their Biggles (Big People) accompany them for his lovely program at the Scoville Library in Salisbury CT Feb 4th, 2017 (the Day Before The Super Bowl).

I enjoyed seeing a Llama behave nicely in Millerton's North East Library in NY and the equally respectful group of kids and adults there to learn interesting facts about the five llamas the owner had (and the many she's had for 25 years!)

 She'd be happy to have someone help with a video and I told her that'd be a good way to bring in some extra PR and ideally some profit to keep her llama boat afloat. See some snippets on youtube from White Memorial. And remember like the llamas when out and about (as well as at home and on the road) to use your best manners! Thanks a bundle!

On a final note, I wish all who are making this a 'month of getting married' well. Whether small or large, with family and friends or more of a small or eloping arrangement, may your dreams and futures be bright and fulfilling.

I happened to have a dream before waking up this morning about looking at photos that came to life, from 20 years ago. In the midst of being at a friendly local place with kids, I took time to tell people that there was going to be something called the Internet that would change the world. Anyone would be able to be in touch with anyone else in the world and it was like a small television set.

People looked at me as though I'd eaten too many cookies and was dreaming. They also seemed to not know why that would be so cool or helpful. Well, I was grateful to wake up and realize I didn't need to explain too much more to anyone...or did I? Are we using our progress for the right reasons?

The show Tommy portrayed a young boy being bullied like nobody's business. We have all heard of too many youth succumbing to suicide after being teased or shamed whether due to looks, orientation, culture, gender or who knows what. Even mothers compare themselves with others. Women have special clubs which exclude others (or just don't invite them to join, even if they ask nicely and have the funds to pay dues...)

Men do the same, as do many mixed groups, faith groups and who knows what groups who are espousing to be a friendly player on the American team. Maybe we all could do a little more dreaming and wake up on the side of normal and nice. Even Donald and Mike, even all their yes-men and even Rex and the 1% or 10 guys who think they rule the world.) I saw a spoof done by the Yes Men on television, with the idea that burgers would be recyled after being expelled as scat (poop).

Someone didn't realize it was satire, a major joke. The idea that the profits could be big with the poop-burgers recyled 5 times was presented with a sense of 'if it's good for business, it's good for everyone eventually.' The trickle down effect was becoming more of a tinkling all over everyone effect. So however we begin to address the imbalances from the top down or the ground up, let's not have out heads in the sand or the septic as the case may be. 

That's rather miserable imagery, but hopefully we can laugh it off as the reminder we may all need that we have to live where we eat and produce waste. Lots of cool ideas on permaculture and recycling urine (with a 10 parts water to 1 part urine) will be a helpful thing to practice to use on lawns, flowers (as Is done in the NY Botanical Gardens) and yes, gardens too. Urine is sterile..but if someone says you're in trouble likely you are (and you may be sterile or not, and that may be a problem or not. )

For the record, don't believe someone if they Say they are sterile, get some kind of proof if that is pertinent to your relationship. In general learning about one's bodily functions, things that can help one be healthy, and one's reproductive cycles or abilities are always good to review and clarify with internet and other research to double check. Again sometimes there are healing herbs or other products that regular doctors can't or won't be able to fill you in on.

Some great-sounding videos and products from Dr. Ana Cabeca are worth noting (on youtube and online.) I am not a medical professional and am not giving medical advice, just sharing resources I have come across that have been helpful. Most agree regular sleep is very important and that should be from 10p to 7 am if possible (good Ol' Dr. Sha idea he's shared in his books and online.)

There are lots of interesting reasons given in that our bodily organs can get recharged and our spirits may get up for a stroll. Some say it's best to cover mirrors and even glass windows that may reflect one's spirit and be disconcerting or that may enliven the room too much so not allow for the good rest in the dark and quiet one is seeking.

A towel across one's eyes can be helpful to block light and ideally no light or noise can allow the brain rest, even for kids (so say goodnight to those night lights and let the brain rest begin.) I'm about to dive in for the nigtht shortly and I'll fill you in if I have a dream I can recall again (generally in the last few hours of sleep is when they occur...) Nighty-night!



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