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Decoding Deepak a Cool Documentary by his son Gotham for US- All

on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 02:41

While intending to check my email I somehow thought to see if I could get the latest documentary type film What Doesn't Kill Me (by the Women Make Movies folks) on Netflix.The next part feels like universal timing and me beaming in Deepak for some insights, having only seen his book You are the Universe in a library, but hoping to find time not commune with not only his ideas but maybe see him at The Chopra Center in NYC (still on my wish list...)

Once I saw I couldn't (at this time) I poked around for what might be of interest, not feeling I had time actually Watch something, but maybe see a preview. That's when the Deepak flick caught my eye and next thing I know, Netflix was playing it. I hardly realized that's how one gets a movie to play. Boy have I been Too Busy. Somehow the 90 minutes flew by like a half hour, but now it's my bedtime for sure.

I felt happy to get a chance to see the honest, extensive coverage Gotham provided of the 'real Deepak'. I can only imagine it will make people appreciate and love Deepak all the more. He's lived a rich life, full of many experiences, and has a lovely family to help us understand his humanity, their humanity and by extension, our own humanity (and families...none of which 'are perfect'.)

Somehow we need to land the notions of discontent that keep conflict broiling. That doesn't mean forgettin' about it, but rather trying to comprehend the legacies of the modern day miseries and place them on a scale of what can consume our attention and for how long and what ways. Leaving most important matters up to almost nobody and a few politicians isn't cutting it.

Deepak and Gotham cover the notion that nuclear weapons were the top protest subject back in the 1960s and such, and while the passion to fight for justice, anti-war and more seemed to be gaining ground, 'somehow we forgot about nuclear weapons.' We need standing committees of regular people to keep the fires burning for awareness and reasonable steps to take.

Ralph Nader proposes many ways for self-organizing and then broadcasting to larger groups to do more self-governing pro-actively. Let's see if we can wake up to our true reality of being 'indestructible forces and beings, in relationship and in a cosmis dream," and keep our energies flowing toward a sense of shared empowerment and opportumity for these modern times and people.

With Steven Greer sharing key ideas about what we can do to live sustainably and with advanced technotolgies, more could be possible than meets the eye, even that of the handsome, charsimatic Deepak and co.Maybe they could do a forum together soon. I need to learn more about Plank time or what have you but for now, trust the world is shifting toward a friendlier vibe with a greater trust in the possibility that not only will we live in reasonable healing ways, but whe our time comes to cross over we will transition smoothly and have a special experiences (for as long as we can imagine, and maybe with loved ones from this and other lifetimes) on the other side.

The next New Life Expo is coming to NYC at the end of October 2017...could be interesting to get there if it works out as it has before. Allowing one's days and life to unfold with a sense of the divine and inner guidance is all the rage from many successful well-paid counselors..and many with that sense about life for regular folks too. As some say, "don't quit your day job until you have some security..." Yet keep an eye out for benefactors, teams of people wanting to see your dreams come true (GoFundMes, if not B Corporations to advance the public good with not-for-profit status..and More.) Let's keep the dreams alive and shared so we can join in with one another's effort$... It's the new cool way to keep the party goin' here on plan-it Heart!


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