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Guess Who Got to Go to the New Life Expo in NYC? That'd be me and hundreds of others, very cool folks and of course rather "A-Maze-Sing" presenters! Tune into the vibes...

on Mon, 03/20/2017 - 15:30

Of course I expected some wild and wonderful folks to be at the NEW LIFE EXPO in NYC when I went for a day. But I met a homeless fellow named Ryan who was across the street from the venue before I even got to it. He received a credit gift card with 'some value still on it'. I encouraged him to put it towards attending and learning, since it was 20 dollars for the day. I then helped a woman who was on her way to Israel) load two pieces of luggage into the trunk of a car a fellow was driving and who was stopped at a red light. The sooner we got that done, the traffic could go and she could continue on her excting journey where she would see her dozen grandchildren (or was that 11..). I think I gave Ryan 5 dollars and at the end of the trip a fellow named Raphael received a 20 (since I didn't have anything smaller.)

 I got a book from spiritual outreach workers who asked for a donation and all I had was a 5, so yes, that went thataway. I did have a few dollars with me to share when I came back to the city after being away, (ones) which I gave to a couple of different folks, including Al Larkin whose got a Facebook page and is looking for patrons. I told him about which has many folks receiving one-time or more regular support to allow them to do their, music, projects, whoknowswhat. I hope to make an account sooner rather than later since it's been a year and I'd like to keep blogging and feeling the flow of good energies and value circle through my world and life. 

Now back to the fair. My big delight at the end, as in after it ended and I had a bite to eat with someone from the last workshop on Higher Brain Living (worth learning about and likely trying..and there's a huge discount to take their program if one attends a workshop TONIGHT, Monday March 20th, 2017.  Eric Pearl from is also doing a live 3-hour program also in NYC (both on 8th Ave and I'll put details -Eric's is at Riplley Studios 520 8th Ave beween 36th and 37th st on the 16th floor) and Gail Thackery is at the same location). Check the Expo site for contacting them about other workshops which may or may not have a fee of about $60 for 2-3 hour sessions.

This is not a lot of time, but if a few folks find it helpful (and maybe to Train as a Higher Brain Living or The Reconnection's a great opportunity to hear from the horse's mouth (the founders of either modality!) Some parts can be done online but more advanced trainings are done over the course of a few days to a week. Now some modalities (such as The Reconnective Healing is a 'stand alone' type of modality, whereas others may or may not encourage working with other kinds of healing or energy work. )

There likely could be a coaching program all about the various modalities or at least a site to give one an overview and hear from others. Oh yes, that's I least to hear what people have experiences. Each modality is offered by the people who founded their practice and those they have trained and certified. Sometimes that process changes over the course of years and new standards may be implemented. Former students will not necessarily be recognized by the organization unless they keep their 'credentials up to date.'

Whenever looking into having a consult or experience with someone or a certain modality, it makes sense to learn more about both the person and the practices, understand pricing and have a written agreement for consent and payment terns,etc. What I am sharing on this site is NOT INTENDED TO Be used as a recommendation, diagnosis or treatment of any medical, physical or other condition. Rather these are shared in the spirit of conversation and my experiences and ideas about what I have learned and heard to save others some legwork or question asking.

I did get to the 2-hour talk with Eric and an associate writer, Jillian (who ran slides and added some details about things at the end during Q and A.) There were about 30 people in attendance and it cost 35 dollars to go to that after paying the 20 for the daylong admission (which was required for the talk.) The Expo is over except for the Monday night sessions tonight so they are at stand-alone prices, but maybe some are free. 

Back to how the evening ended (abour 9:30pm after getting a bite of real food to eat since I only ate a granola kind of snack (Teddy's Tubes--$12 for 3 30z servings--kind of handy and healthy) all day and some nuts.I will save the snack square tubes with easy caps for snacks to fit in my small pouch purse. Now I was very content after twelve hours at the fair and having a half hour to relax and have something to eat.

As I was walking back to my table in a rather large diner I saw Dannion Brinkley, yes That Dannion whose been to The Other Side a time or two (and I bought a book by that title from Geozuwa who teaches programs so google him too.) I had been hoping to see Dannion but thought I'd better not wish too much...yet thar he was and I got a hug and minute to share my story about my teen son Kaelan who went across at age 16 while helping to save friends. Dannion was compassionate yet positive saying to consider that maybe Kaelan had chosen that life or exit, and even maybe had lived his whole life to pull off an act of love and courage like that for reasons we cannot necessarily fully know or undersand. I feel even now the words are coming to fill in that message he gave.

And isn't it key to realize what someone says and what we hear or take it to mean or allow it to mean for us maybe on a continuum of 'accuracy, logic, coherence, inspiration, triggers, or who knows what... prophecy, consolation, preparation for times that are to come or for others?) I shared these thoughts also with Nesha who I met at Geozuwa's booth. She and many others I met along the way that day (and let's take inventory in a positive way likely on Hundreds of Days, and including the 'magic of this blog' that transcend the normal modes of everyday communication in person or even in the newspaper or radio (not always easy to get a clear connection... ) So Thanks to All of You for being part of my journey whether reading a few titles, a post or the more in-depth pieces like Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton...or other ideas to help keep us safe and on track with a positive vibe. I'll add more from the flyers I picked up yet want to enjoy This First Day of Spring and rest and sing, take a walk and talk to a few folks about what a blessing it is to have some hopeful, encouraging teams pulling together on many levels and planes.

See what's up at #GoodKarms is you have a fancy phone and in a few months, there will be an app for androids etc. See them on where people who want to help others can do so without strings (or dollars) attached.. people helping people, an old-fashioned idea that's now helping others around the world. I also got to meet a lovely soul in person on the train from Wassaic whose part of The ARC project there, where good things are taking root with farming and buliding community. (Hi Jenny!) A Sing Out too to the Singing Bowl folks..what a harmonious group of people and gentle colored quality glass bowls tuned to various frequencies to help the chakras. Likely lots of ideas on the New Life Expo on their website and more to come in areas near you (and in Florida in April) and at places like OMEGA, Kripalu and other healing places..yes even faith groups and many a non-profit and community effort and home or person near you! Kudos to one and all, such as #YogaByCandace who has shown years of dedication and helping the world grow smaller and more flexible but bits of inspiration (and a little perspiration) and Positive Thinking, Healing and Breathing. See her amazing book Namaslay on Amazon or better yet in your hands! Namaste!


A bright, friendly heavyweight champ of a fellow was sitting propped up against the wall of the subway station in Penn Station in NYC near the C Train toward Brooklyn subway entryway. He looked Miserable and shared his very difficult life story at just under 40 years of age.

Please think of finding a couple of friends to help this fellow Get Back on his Feet before he loses them! He has sores on his feet he was wiping with a couple of wet cloths, and his heavy legs were swollen with edema. He shared he had some troubles if life (who hasn't but not violent crimes.)

He thought of doing a Christian training for 6 months but wasn't quite ready. maybe he could pursue that I told him for the sake of his feet (both of them in need of healing.

) I spoke with him for about 5 minutes, maybe 10 and late at night realized I couldn't do much for him. He does help who he can and works as he can. He feels too proud to put out a sign and said he might be forced to move along if he was panhandling.

IF people offered help, he'd accept it (money too I realized.) He is homeless (as is Ryan who was up by 8th Ave and The New Yorker Hotel. He has a voucher for housing in the 5 boroughs up to 1200 monthly but wasn't finding a space.

I said I know there are apps (Street Easy  I think) but likely More Advocates for the Homeless are needed. Maybe the Guardian Angels has a branch to do that (and I saw they were looking for more recruits too to help keep the subways and city safe..but of course, use good judgment and that was on an official sign ad space in the subway.)

Okay I have talke to about 30 homeless with an array of stories, with help from others (and yes, donations welcome to my small circle or others you know will help others) likely have given a few hundred dollars over the past year.. okay maybe more like 200 but it's something I hope to figure out a line item amount for in my budget and make sense of.

I helped someone else out with kids with another 200 and a couple others. So overall in the past few years, I've given about 1000 to charity person-to-person. I don't give as much as I'd like to faith groups, but know many who do, so Thank You.

Some are going on missions far away and doing some things locally. Loans are an option too maybe to help friends and even family but keeping track in writing and having both folks sign off is important. Overall, Money can be tricky, but helping as you can even a little at a time can be a good thing to try (if one's normally felt there's no value to trying that.)

Good luck and share as you like (anonymously etc with a code name) how you have helped people with Time, Talent or Treasure, healing, prayers or other kind ideas and thoughts.

.Social Collateral is being studied more and shown to be a key ingredient in quality of life, health and community and business and groups in general, so hope you feel you have good folks in your corner!) And when I get my account up and running I'll let you know..til them, maybe pass it on to someone in your circle and trust we're all benefitting, Many Thanks!!

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