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Regarding HOT Cars, Do as I Say, and Don't Take Risks (speeding or leaving people in them) Unnecessarily--good advice for US All to Implement Daily, even Hourly and More...

on Wed, 06/01/2016 - 14:48

Watching a second video in a few years of a well-trained and well-meaning adult demonstrate how hot a car gets in a short amount of time, with friends nearby but with doors locked.

 I took exception to the demonstration for the following reasons. Ideally, the temperature rising could have been shown simply by videoing that from outside the car (even opening the door if need be and taking the temperature at intervals...the overall point would be clear still, that even a few minutes in a heated car can be dangerous. Same with a cold temperatures or even as happened to one unfortunate woman (very pregnant and in a hurry to check on one thing...leaving the car running but having the doors lock, with a young child asleep in it.

When the responding person came up behind the car with a key, the slick drive and his speed almost found him running into the vehicle with the child in it. Not good to be in a hurry even when helping. A mom I met shared that her son was trying to help someone in a icy conditions (which sometime arise without much warning or in various shady or higher places so more  caution and plan changes or delays may be wise to avoid difficult potential conditions.

That young man sadly had a  fatal car accident due to the conditions even when he was aware of them and trying to use caution. Young men in general often have more confidence or are in more of a hurry to get somewhere fast or early as are many younger women, say under 30. By age 25, many have learned it's okay to mostly go the speed limit, but then again the habits can be hard to break.

Now back to the heated car demo which went off well enough but again the idea of putting anyone at risk when it's not needed is something to really 'slow down and think through for the example and practical lessons one is trying to teach'. Slogans can help people remember things, In a car you can go far, but when NOT driving, ALL  PEOPLE and PETS OUT is the LAW (or should be). Stay fit and ALIVE, get OUT Of the  Car when it's not in Drive! Also  before getting in your car, walk and look once around to see what  (and who) can be found.

These ideas and more are explored on another post about Women and Moms driving in MAY and  Men and Fathers driving in June to see how the roads feel accordingly, with lots of more detailed options and maybe to continue that pattern for optional trips or when there is a choice of who goes. Consider what really works, who is comfortable and well-rested and sober too.

Even one drink can get people to an impaired driving state even if not over the legal BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level. Two drinks of a man and one for a woman typically will do That, but the only level for safer driving is NO DRINKING OR DRUGGING. That could also impair someone's judgement about leaving someone in the car (or forgetting), as can stress or hurry, so Walk Once Around Your Car when You Get out of it also and think of your transitions before you change course.

Review what you need (keys, how many bags you are carrying on a bus or train with a clear number in mind and doublecheck that you have 1-2-3 (etc) bags and such. One savvy NYCer lost a computer and more when forgetting her 5th bag on a late night return. Things can be tucked under a seat and so on. Also do not let children play in cars or around them even. One fellow doing some repairs allowed his young child to do that, and when she got hot she wanted to roll down the windows so she turned the key on since they were automatic.

She was about 4 years old then. Another time a two year old snuck through a heavy  sliding gate that was hinged on the top. even though the whole yard was fenced in and the mom only went in for a few minutes to check on something that little tiger slipped through the gap he made by squeezing through the 'open slot' like a letter getting mailed. Thankfully a police officer (in a city) noticed the tot crossing a busy road (waiting for the Walk sign, which is Anotheg Good Idea for  people of all ages not just tots).

They'd gotten the call 20 minutes after the Mom gave up her frantic search through her large home..and not even understanding How it was Possible he got out until the little fellow explained his direct approach to implementing his idea of the moment. He later became a world traveller with many tales to tell and accolades but sometimes still ventures on missions deemed more risky than ideal even for a fellow in his forties (biking alone on the West Coast, for instance.) But back to hot cars, and we're not talking the show cars. 

 Frying an egg could also have been done  with a momentary placement of egg in hot car. I worry about folks trying potentially dangerous things since sometimes things go wrong or sadly others may use it to ill ends. It's a hard call to know what to convey and how.

The impact of knowing things either happened or could happen can play out in strange ways. Too often even in groups to rehab abusive people (mainly men, but not only...) they pick up tips and crazy intimidation tactics., I appreciate your concerns and efforts.. However (did you hear that coming), I cam concerned that you had the doors locked (what if you passed out and someone dropped a key or had lost it, etc).

Also if you passed out, that might not been a walk in the park. Too much of anything can trigger something energetically or otherwise.

Strangely, even while watching, I didn't quite stir my pepper into my stir-fry I was eating. I hurried to a sink, tripping over an extension cord that I usually know is there is using my computer and usually have out of the way or watch for (after this I will take more care to keep it out of the way and check to keep pathways clear, stray rugs or rug edges that aren't flat or secure or possible problems in check.) I thought "I can't believe I'm having a problem when trying to learn more about safety'. I'm fine now but realize every moment and move does count a lot. A fall can mean a head injury (and thankfully that was not my problem this time around. Someone once fell backwards due to someone else's sudden move (and actually a shove) and almost got injured on a heavy wood box. 

That was a crime since it really was not an accident with the person doing the shoving not maybe really planning on that but if there'd been an injury or worse, a fatality, that would have been very serious.

Any such event should be thought through carefully with an anonymous or personal counselor, but those kinds of situations can trigger a host of interventions. Unfortunately they are not always effective. Mainly people have to realize the whole game of life is a lot like a Game (and some players have more power or tricks than others.) Okay, thanks again for this reminder.

Easier to keep in mind the more folks talk it up today, with modern laws and wisdom for all to know.So What in anyone's environment could prove hazardous?


To Whomever Tries to Warn People with Words, Actions, Videos and Demonstrations...

Hope my concerns and insights are taken in the spirit offered as brainstorming for the greater good and helpful feedback.

I realize many topics seem to spark more ideas, often circling back to the common theme of prevention.

For example to the skilled person making the hot car video I wrote, I know with the hot car video (which I put a reference to without any names on my blog, that you are intending only good) that you were careful about risks.

Still, in this day and age, there could be grounds even by some agency to check on you 'in case you are endangering yourself or others', not playing with a full deck, etc.

I know you are trained and so on, but the agencies have their regs to follow also, even FB if someone is doing something dangerous or seems like they could harm themselves.

Everyone can keep in mind The Black Lives Matter movement and the mixed responses police may give.

Sometimes the responding officers may threaten arresting the caller of a concern instead of a dangerous person. For instance, one big fellow choked his much smaller girlfriend (thankfully not harming her, but even attempted strangulation is very serious.)

The police said because both of them denied it happening, and the "couple" said the caller was making it up to get them to move (a remote possibility but really making up waking up to screams that she was being choked at 6am in the morning?)

The point is not enough people are thinking in depth about a number of issues. Our valiant attempts to 'blow the whistle' on certain things, especially things that are violent or deadly, is still met with a mixed set of responses, often negative.

But one problem for the police was that the caller waited until about 3 hours to inquire about options for reporting. The caller wanted to resolve the immediate threat and see if the two parties would actually leave by noon if not sooner.

When realizing the man might have to go to jail since it would be a second arrest for DV in CT, the caller offered to let them leave amicably (move out that day.)

Since the man did not have a place to go or friend to call--All Very Important Things for Any Town to have Ideas About, even campsites or motel fees covered possibly, (with the option to get their stuff another day), they decided to outsmart the caller.

That's where they felt confident if it were Two Against One, and the door were closed (as the caller said but they opened it up upon an intervention by the caller when the event occurred.

The girl described the choking which is what the caller had heard from a few rooms away.(Still with movies allowing violent interactions between couples if consensual, that would be another consideration.. But this was not that)

The next hour consisted of the girl saying she'd move out, said there was a history, the man saying she wouldn't stop talking to him (and did not think to just get up and leave or lock himself in the bathroom for some peace of mind.)

Those practical ideas are the kinds of things abusive or violent (unintentionally or otherwise) people are supposed to go over in mandated programs After committing a crime. Why not educate everyone Before they commit a crime or act erratically or dangerously (to themselves or others).

While the incident that occurred at 6am was inquired about by the caller to the police at 9am but not officially reported until 3pm, the police returned to two subsequent calls for concerns about potential violence. In one, the man seemed to say he would not let the woman leave the room or her car. The caller was told by 911 folks to not put themself in danger by trying to intervene. After all that, the police who responded gave the summary from the couple who had hatched out their 'deny everything, admit nothing, and insist on evidence' (and blame someone else who is innocent.

The new head of the police within a couple of weeks kindly was willing to hear the concern and did not feel the right actions had been taken by police. Even the police report filed at 3pm (after a final chance given to the couple to simply leave and not have to face more consequences since they seemed to really want to have a chance to work things out themselves.)

Others had complained for months occasionally before the choking attempt about violence and yet even the caller had initially dismissed it as not likely or not happening still when they denied it. The idea that there 'was no eye witness' was one the couple brought up.

When the caller said the testimony of hearing calls and being involved in making sure it stopped and she was safe (which was a huge risk to the caller who was not as strong at the larger violent man in this situation.)

That's the kind of thing to think through as 'regular people'. It's not instinct to pick the phone up and call immediately but that is likely what is needed (and meeting the police well away from the home to be able to feel safe and not be involved if not necessary.)


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