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livfully's blog

Trading our own 9-11-01 Trade Tower Recollections of Miracles Amidst the Storm of Change and Loss

on Wed, 09/30/2015 - 19:40

The other day I spoke with a woman about my age. Somehow we got talking about who we know in NYC and she shared that her sister and brother lived there, not far from Battery Park, just a couple blocks from the World Trade Center site.

Of course I felt compelled to ask if they were there when the tragedy struck. She readily answered, "Not only were they there in NYC, but my sister worked in the second building on the 82nd floor, right where the plane struck."

The details followed that her brother and sister who are likely middle-aged as are we, went to the Trade Center together that day,

Thinkin' About Lincoln, "With Charity for All" by Howard Wright, a look-alike Abe!

on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 19:39

What a pleasure to enjoy the hour-long talk by the staturesque Howard Wright portraying Abraham Lincoln at the Northwestern CT Community College Campus Hall on September 10th, 2015.

The lovely evening marked part of NWCC's 50th anniversary and a memorial celebration of a monument to soldiers from the Civil War over the weekend. Abe was just the fellow I wanted to hear from as the events of September 11th, 2001 were being reviewed in the media and in a very poignant reading of all the names at a Patriot Day event in Canaan CT for the fifth year in a row on September 11th, 2015.

I have had

Thinking about UFOs (and the marker of a site in Sheffield MA that was defaced)

on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 19:09


The following is a comment I posted on the Berkshire Edge in response to their coverage about Thom Reed ( putting a marker up with support from a few dozen others to commemorate a UFO siting from the late 1960s and deemed the first official siting in the the United States of America.

There is not enough time (or people power/ protection) to think over all of these important ideas in public so thanks for this forum..’may the good forces be with you” as Luke Skywalker or our more local Thom Reed would say for the United States of a Miracle.

The time for questions has come

A Week in the Life of Livfully "meeting" Queen Victoria of yesteryear, meeting old friends and new

on Thu, 09/17/2015 - 19:52

In the last week, I've met folks from Japan (twin boys and their little sis and parents, grands, and family) at an agricultural fair where we all oohed and awed over cows that go, "Moo" in English but apparently go, "Moe" in Japanese. Ohsi means cow while Oosi means delicious (from memory and my own spelling, but may intrigue others to learn a word or two in another language.

Instead of saying 'Holy Cow' we can now say "Holy Ohsi" but google in case that actually means "holy delicious". Hay bales were climbed over by little folks and frying pans, yes cast iron ones, were flung in a contest.
