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livfully's blog

Guest Post from David Jacke: Social Permaculture Topic (No Program at this time)

on Thu, 09/06/2018 - 14:21

Reinventing the Commons:
Designing Social Ecosystems for 
Local Stewardship & Planetary Regeneration
With Dave Jacke and David Bollier

This event unfortunately has been cancelled at this time. I'll keep you posted if it is rescheduled. Not a common thing for the organizer, something called "Life." Okay hope to post more about sharing the commons soon... For more information:

Despite all its benefits, more and more of us recognize that the dominant capitalist economic model based on the short-term self interest of a privileged few degrades both the social systems

Special Info and Offerings (some timely, others online) from, Safe & Together Institute (David Mandel) and More

on Thu, 09/06/2018 - 05:11

Welcome back to September and the many special days this month holds in important traditions (Jewish New Year..Rosh Hashanah, and A Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur) and much more. Many faith communities have worth while services and programs to benefit a community and many are also online. See for instance The Brooklyn Unitarian Church or The Apostolic Baptist Church in Brooklyn NY.

That said, other events to consider working into one's repertoire for getting cenbererd and collaborating with peaceful efforts include Geozuwa (see him online and maybe in person in NYC, MA or FL), David Adelson

To Grade or Not to Grade is not the question as much as How To Grade..School's Back In Session

on Sat, 09/01/2018 - 02:11

Here's a link to think about when it comes to grading practices in modern America... Thanks to Mike Flint of CATV 6 (and Robinhood Radio in CT) Likely everyone has a story about a grade they either felt they earned or got unfairly. As Dr. Grusky explains, there are a few main grading programs dominating the American school culture and in general they combine 'apples and oranges'...'ability and effort' which really may not reflect a person's  knowledge or abilities accurately..

.He shares that in Canada, a few different metrics are used which more clearly reflect

Lime Rock Park's In the Lime Light with Vintage Cars and More on Labor Day Weekend 2018

on Thu, 08/30/2018 - 19:34

I am sneaking this from from their main site to let you in on a great set of events rockin' the Lime Rock CT Race Track area August 31st through Sept 3rd, 2018. But it actually starts in an hour with a cool vintage car parade which I am planning to take some pals too, one only a few years old whose ready to give her honest opinion on such things..and one whose duly impressed to put aside her other interests as a young adult and come see what all the hootin' and cheerin' is about.

Being Recognized as A People, Protecting the Land, Schaghticoke and UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Hawk Storm..and more on radio interview

on Thu, 08/30/2018 - 18:53

 As September 2018 draws near, has a special talk on 8/30 from 12-2pm by Hawk Storm..worth a listen (about Native American history and current efforts and more info on the Schaghticoke Confederation and modern tribal matters. The reservation of the Schaghticoke Indian tribe was in existence in 1730s, but then there was an Indian Relocation Act which put Indians in cities...There's much to consider about these issues.. Sacred Wisdom is a book with more insights (sorry I couldn't catch the whole title, about a half hour in.)

"We're colonized down to our core..." The Maori have
