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livfully's blog

"Welcome to the World" Song for Mother's Day and to Celebrate Everyone's Start of Life

on Sun, 05/10/2020 - 22:42

Very sweet sidewalk drawings of a mom holding a baby and words 'Thanks, Mama" reminded me of a song I wrote a quarter of a century of many I'd have come to mind.. Here's to all of our mothers, all women braving motherhood biologically and those adopting or sharing in the nurturing of children and others...and Same for the Fellows allowing themselves to join in the nurturing and parenting roles... as well as honoring the women and youth in their lives, animals, pets, nature and more too. That helps everyone feel more like a team so part of Humaniteam!

Now for the start of that Song,

Hearing about a crystalline light city overlaying that of the, yes?

on Sun, 05/10/2020 - 22:12

I am hearing some lovely ideas about the 'galactic love bubble and temple' that our lovely gaia energy and earth is connecting with...who knew?

The possibilities of love from many visions and ideas I've been hearing on the New Life Expo, including that we are part of 22 galaxies diamond network make the 'issues of the day' not seem paramount but rather as many offer, part of a time of humans ascending via an upgrade of our DNA and awakening to our inner spiritual nature as primary over our physical bodies and even basic social and policital connections.

Many feel that formal religion has been

The Day before Mother's Day... took time to do a google search, some sad news...but let's pull together like we're learning to do...

on Sun, 05/10/2020 - 04:15

With CV19, Mother's Day is yet another holiday that's quieted down and different than all that have come before. Even though I'm eager to head to bed, I thought I'd google "mothers day' and see what might be inspiring. Instead tragic news of two Moms both with the last name Bobbit came up in searches.

The first is of Kaydee Bobbitt whose mother Wendy Valesquez was speaking out about her passing due to gun violence on April 3rd, 2020 with support from Mothers Against Violence in the city of Des Moines, Iowa.

Info from which is accepting donations to keep going...

on Sun, 05/10/2020 - 03:00

The following is from a letter I got from which I felt is worth sharing... Do your own research but allow freedom of speech and inquiry.

These folks have other programs on their site worth learning about when 'so much change is happening' that is important to consider far and wide and by people of all ages and walks of life (or in whatever room of the house one may be spending the most time...)

I did not alter the letter in any way.

All of us here at No Lies Radio want to sincerely thank-you for your moral or monetary support these last couple of years. Your support has

Sharing the Exciting Offer from Dr. Ritamarie's on sale through 11:59pm Sat. 5/10/20

on Sat, 05/09/2020 - 19:22

My latest exciting learning experience I happened to learn about the last day it was being offered at a discount last week comes with helpful perks. I have had other things I'm working on and miss out on some emails and intend to get better organized in following up with my rather hefty investment for myself and to learn to coach others with basic ideas about learning about their own 'numbers' from A1C to fasting glucose.

I am learning very important things...and am excited to share with others.
