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Info from which is accepting donations to keep going...

on Sun, 05/10/2020 - 03:00

The following is from a letter I got from which I felt is worth sharing... Do your own research but allow freedom of speech and inquiry.

These folks have other programs on their site worth learning about when 'so much change is happening' that is important to consider far and wide and by people of all ages and walks of life (or in whatever room of the house one may be spending the most time...)

I did not alter the letter in any way.

All of us here at No Lies Radio want to sincerely thank-you for your moral or monetary support these last couple of years. Your support has helped us to bring you our live YouTube weekly news show False Flag Weekly News and our live streaming events such as our numerous Deep Truth Panels and the yearly 9/11 Truth Film Festival and related 9/11 events from the San Francisco Bay Area, NYC, and Washington DC and has allowed us to broadcast the best truth-telling radio programs on the Internet such as 9/11 Free Fall hosted by Andy Steele of AE911Truth, Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad RadioGuns and Butter with Bonnie Falkner, Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, the daily Thom Hartmann Show, It's Our Money with Ellen BrownProject Censored with Mickey Huff and our Daily 9/11 Truth Teach-in. Our support comes directly from listeners like you, not from corporate sponsors who would want to censor us. WE HAVE BEEN DE-PLATFORMED TWICE FOR TELLING THE TRUTH ON THE AIR. Your donations will keep us free to tell you the truth.

As you know most wars of the last few decades have been started with False Flag Operations and Lies. It was recently revealed that the 1964 Tonkin Gulf torpedo attack on an American Destroyer was a fabricated lie that was used by President Johnson to get Congress to put over 500,000 troops into Vietnam leading to the death of over 50,000 American soldiers and millions of Vietnamese. AE911truth and the 9/11 Grand Jury Petition have proven that the 2001 World Trade Center towers collapses did not occur because of airplanes hitting the buildings but was caused by controlled demolitions of pre-planted explosives that took months to setup. One can only surmise then that 9/11 was an Inside Job and was a false flag attack done to cause us to go to war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and probably Iran in the near future. There have been some estimates that 10's of millions of lives have been lost due to this 9/11 False Flag. And these lies and false flags are continuing under President Trump as he launched cruise missles on Syria based on a false flag Sarin gas attack in Northern Syria. And many fear a new false flag incident that will cause a nuclear war with North Korea, Russia, or China and possibly a staged incident in the Persian Gulf causing the US to go to war with Iran as Trump needs to raise the price of oil. And now we are investigating the current Covid-19 pandemic. Some believe there is a lot of evidence that this pandemic was planned, ie. it was a PLANDEMIC. Watch our weekly news show False Flag Weekly News as we unravel this plandemic potential false flag that has killed more Americans that the Vietnam War and has put our country and the world on the verge of a GREATER DEPRESSION with millions now out of work.

We at No Lies Radio are here to expose these false flags and lies that lead to wars and the deaths of millions of innocent civilians and our soldiers being needlessly killed or maimed for life and a Trillion dollar drain on our treasury while millions of Americans are finding difficulty in affording health care, education, housing and food. Your generous support for 2020 will help us to expose these past and future false flags and lies and perhaps that exposure will help stop the current and future wars (and this Plandemic?) and save millions of innocent lives.