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Laurie Lisle on Zoom with her new book Word for Word at Sharon's Hotchkiss Library in CT (see it on youtube soon!)

on Tue, 05/18/2021 - 23:07

 Author Laurie Lisle was a journalist and then became a biographer. Portrait of an Artist, A Passionate Life, Four-Tenths of an Acre, Without Child, and a book about Westover School. Long ago through the library, she hosted a book group of women's memoires, including Stolen Lives and Diary of a Slave Girl which I recall taking part in and feeling moved by the books and discussions.

In a live interview, Laurie answered some questions such as the difference of a memoire and autobiography. to learn about something 'completely different' and see special offers in May 2021

on Tue, 05/18/2021 - 19:35

Have you heard of Scalar Light? That's not stepping on a scale to see if you gained or lost a few pounds. Before I try to explain, I'll just send you over to their site (and I am not an affiliate but gave it a whirl on a free trial and think it was helpful...)So head on over to and check out their 'steals and deals.' If someone needs a boost or would like to go beyond their basic norm. it could be great to give it a whirl. Check with your doctor and others you feel would be good to weigh in on any decision related to your health and care... Peace and light...Best to all

Life Gets Easier "as if by magic' Using BrainTime! Try a free month for your household!

on Tue, 05/18/2021 - 14:44

With  various school schedules and plenty of 'extra things to consider due to the pandemic', who couldn't use more support to reduce stress, have better emotional health and great sleep?

One membership can benefit an entire household, so trying BrainTime programs for a month may be one of the best 'moves' a family makes while not leaving home.

For a monthly membership for improving mood, the link is  For a savings, the link for an annual membership for that program is as follows: 

May We Reflect on Our Shared Journey? Preventing Harm, Conflict and Confusion 101

on Sat, 05/15/2021 - 19:26
From: catherine paton <>
To: catherine paton <>
Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021, 10:00:24 AM EDT
Subject: May We Reflect on Our Shared Journey?
To the Editor:
"What If" is still a legal way to explore many topics that are off-limits. But who
knows how long that will last.
Maybe safest to put on a play or write fiction about 
characters who ask the forbidden questions, recount the past and explore the future
from a place of permissibility (depending on the faith, cultural, social and legal limits.)
There are places where it is not okay for certain people to

Keeping An Eye on Elders and Others At Home

on Sat, 05/15/2021 - 19:23
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 10:00 AM catherine paton <> wrote:
To the Editor:
Much of the following pertains to supervising youth and teens and ideally for adults to take to heart to be responsible as well for living safely and keeping someone informed of their whereabouts.
It is not clear 'whose job it is to care' so let's make that everyone's shared chore for the greater good!
What I see as problem that needs addressing is a Lack of Concern and Cross- Training among the general public to care for people at each stage of life especially youth and elders.
Family, caregivers and
