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Keeping An Eye on Elders and Others At Home

on Sat, 05/15/2021 - 19:23
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 10:00 AM catherine paton <> wrote:
To the Editor:
Much of the following pertains to supervising youth and teens and ideally for adults to take to heart to be responsible as well for living safely and keeping someone informed of their whereabouts.
It is not clear 'whose job it is to care' so let's make that everyone's shared chore for the greater good!
What I see as problem that needs addressing is a Lack of Concern and Cross- Training among the general public to care for people at each stage of life especially youth and elders.
Family, caregivers and friends and professionals such as social workers, ministers, medical people and even legal folks need to understand legal, financial and medical criteria to assess each stage of life in terms of needed responsibilities, supervision and accountability. 
The job of being a family member or other person 'in charge' or a Power of Attorney or other advocate should be spelled out clearly on a time line to make sure people are doing steps in a timely manner and with an eye toward being a team player.
Planning ways to keep elderly and others supported during a time of a transition is very important yet 'it's no one's job to do that.' Let's change that and make it Everyone's Job!
I can be reached at  to network and share ideas on many topics on my blog to keep conversations flowing.
Catherine Palmer Paton, Falls Village CT, USA
PS The more people learn about many topics such as Permaculture, local groups and advocacy to help everyone feel valued and included to share the planet, resources and the earth to grow food and live simply the longer we can live sustainably as a species in peace with others as well.