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More Reflecting on What to Do About Ukraine (whether Sweden and Finland would Join NATO ) and in general...let's pray and think together!

on Wed, 03/09/2022 - 17:01

Here is a comment I shared on a news site open to comments. Hope this is helpful. I also wrote to The Lakeville Journal of CT for their March 10th, 2022 issue. That is a rare independent newspaper in the NW Corner of CT which has been in business for a hundred years (or so it seems,I"ll have to check.)

I will post that shortly as well. Meanwhile I am hoping more people will join the Southern Berkshire Toastmasters Club to help is stay afloat as a Zoom Forum club. I will take on a leadership role so that would be great to meet more folks from around the country and world.

Grateful and Excited to Be Part of the Upcoming CT Women Show at the CT Capitol!

on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 15:06

Sneak Peek to the Final Result Added April 1st, 2022: is the Link to The Show At the Hartford CT Capitol through March 30th, with reception with the women from 3pm to 5pm! See you there! I share more on as well! (Additional note of thanks at the bottom too!)

 From the Getting Ready Stage March 4th , 2022: Greetings from the fabulous Farmington Inn in CT on Friday, March 4th, 2022. I'll be meeting with a photographer later today to fulfill the main part of a journey over the past few weeks of being invited via a FB ad and follow-up

A History of Toastmasters in The Southern Berkshires in Great Barrington MA over the last quarter of a century!

on Tue, 03/01/2022 - 17:59

The following was shared at a recent meeting by a Toastmaster as a club meeting on zoom. Let's share this and consider the insights, information and ways to keep the club going or encourage people to join another Toastmasters online (many clubs are operating in that capacity!)

We also had a regular social time after the regular meeting that was held at the BCC Main Street in Great Barrington MA. We would enjoy lunch on our own nickel per person at the Berkshire Co-op on Bridge Street in Great Barrington MA.

Green Light for the Message from Greenpeace--Let's Do This Thing Called Save the Planet (and Humanity, Animals and Nature too)

on Tue, 03/01/2022 - 03:03

The Following is from an email from Greenpeace. No changes have been made and the links for donations are theirs. Best to all and let's not lose Hope!

The new report hits like a slap in the face and a punch in the stomach.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just issued a report stating that many impacts of global warming will be IRREVERSIBLE.

But they also provide a glimmer of hope. There is a fleeting window of time where our actions could help avoid the very worst. But we must do it now!

Please make an emergency $20.00 gift to Greenpeace USA right now to do just
