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To a Mom out there in the world who is Grieving the Passing of her daughter

on Sun, 06/21/2020 - 14:45
Hello Alice (not her real name but a real person) and anyone else who can relate or who wants to be 'better prepared' for such issues that are covering the news but with little time to reflect on what it means to a person (and that can vary widely based on spiritual and personal beliefs and one's social supports, life circumstances and much more...)

Pulling through is a prayer, path and process not clear to map out or know what will work, but trusting that people can and will assist one is important.

Starting June 21st, 2020 With Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward All with Invite to Keep Going and Growing in Healing and Advocacy

on Sun, 06/21/2020 - 13:52
Reflecting on the start of a new day, a new season, a new chapter for many in life...graduations, gatherings, protests and things we say Yes to in order to co-create our collective human experience and world, nature and many other aspects of existence....
A profound and inspired way to join together in our dreams as teams for these special times...Journal away or enjoy time outdoors, some quiet and plenty of the other aspects of letting the day unfold in miraculoUS ways...all over the world and even along time lines, past, present, and future!
And what are you up to this bright 'full

Updates on the Massachusetts Death With Dignity Bill (sharing their newsletter)

on Fri, 06/19/2020 - 13:46

Besides the arrival of summer and strawberries, there is SOME good news these days . . . about the MA. Death w/Dignity bill!  

It was PASSED by the Legislature's 17-member Joint Committee on Public Health on May 29  by a substan-tial majority!  


Many of us thought this outcome was unlikely given the overarching priority of the Legislature to deal with the pandemic crisis, and the serious disruption to the legislative process of the past three months.  We thought that at best, this bill might only be given another extension for consideration over the next few months.


So we're on our

All Welcome to Donate to Dining For Women, A Wise Helpful Organization

on Fri, 06/19/2020 - 03:35
I am part of Dining For Women (DFW, About ten of us in the Berkshire MA chapter heard a zoom talk about Curing Cervical Cancer last night.  The main speaker was from Chicago. As a retired nurse/ midwife (who helped deliver 1000 babies) she had paid her own way a few times to go to Kenya and assist with efforts there as part of a team of six from the CA-based organization Curing Cervical Cancer.
With visual screenings (not Pap tests) concerning tissue could be treated with a vinegar solution that would remedy early stages of cancer in one quarter of the cervix.

Discovering Ways to Help Oneself and Others, Offer and Receive Forgiveness, Promote Health and Plans for Serious Medical Issues or The End Zone of Life

on Fri, 06/19/2020 - 03:09
 Dear Debra Poneman and the rest of the world...I am adding a lot to the initial letter of thanks as I am moved, so bear with me...and read as you may find time or make time to do pressure. 
Thanks so much for this Say Yes to Success program. I appreciate all the intros, bonuses and of course the program itself. I'm feeling more excited about the whole summer.
I heard the short piece on forgiveness in which an African elderly woman not only forgave the two men who killed her husband and son during Apartheid carnage (one burn killed heinously in front of her), but asked one to be
