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Taking a Breather with a Youtube guided 15 minute talk...

on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 18:43 Some things we can't have others do for Breathe and Relax... But you can get a little help from your friends or someone such as on this Inner Child Meditation. I got through about 3 minutes...and will do more soon. So any little effort is helpful and a good reminder of whose in the driver's seat of our breathing and choices moment to moment. Good luck!

Talk about Baptism Options in a Catholic, Congregational Church and an Overall Idea to Include Everybuddy More Locally

on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 14:44
When I heard the Catholic Church may have a standard for parents and godparents to be regular church goers in order for an infant to be baptized, I reflected on this a bit. Then had other ideas to share about helping everyone in a town and area feel more included....
I'd be interested to know what St. Maron's in Torrington would say...they are Maronite Catholic church.

"Know What's Coming" is Naomi Klein's Advice

on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 14:03

When trouble comes, the right wing governments tend to impose 'responses that curtails citizen's rights or other restrictions to suspend basic democratic laws.' If you know what's coming, that may mean being aware of the option to defy 'shock doctrine' mandates en masse. The many changes in the government under Trump, she says that instability may give way for his cohorts to push through policies that benefit the rich. Dismantling social security, taking over assets or using resources may be done to raid the funds rather than 'solve problems.'

She recommends making alternative plans.

Climate Change Spurring Extinction Rebellion Movement, See more online

on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 12:57

April 17th at 9am in NYC there will be an effort by Extinction Rebellion activists in front of City Hall. These kinds of events have been held around the world since Nov.17, 2018 periodically.  Here is a short powerful video from NYC in Jan 2019 .

The hope is to get governments to address the reality and seriousness of what climate change is and its causes,such as consuming fossil fuels at high levels.  Here is a more comprehensive message that over 5K people have watched on youtube,

Here's a more graphic disturbing important set of

Summary of an hour talk on Death With Dignity or Compassionate Choices in MA efforts to pass a law

on Tue, 04/16/2019 - 01:25
  •  About a dozen people heard the presenters for a MA Death With Dignity Act which would give people who have terminal illness (verified by two doctors) with less than 6 months to live (more or less) who are of sound mind (with a mental health practitioner verifying that), two witnesses who are not related validating the person's request.

    The person would need to be able to administer their own strong barbiturate cocktail (by emptying vials into a drink they consume on their own.) That would cause a coma and death in about a half an hour...Don't mean to minimize what that is...just relaying the
