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When the weather warms up, warnings go up: No Leaving Pets or Kids in Cars (it may be against the law, and hard to tell what's not too hot vs what IS)

on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 21:01
In response to the NW Corner Chatter post about dogs getting too hot in a car or even in a cage at home in a sunny window or very hot room, I shared the following. Basically everyone could take note about heat safety, car safety and monitoring oneself, others and those around you for basic safety.
The other day I helped a woman find her car in the rain in a parking lot. Hers was two cars away from one that looked like it. Her She was compromised with her walking and was driving her elderly husband around.

What's Backing up in BrooklYN, NY? That would be traffic, big trucks and plans to remedy lack of traffic control responses even from 911, 311, police reports!

on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 17:38

May 24th, 2019 found me going to a simple medical appointment at mid-morning that I almost slept through but didn't. Here's a summary from a lower part of the his post to cover the highlights of the BrooklYN deal (are you noticing the way that happens to be the state abbreviation in reverse as the end of Brooklyn? Yes, me too. Time to make a plan for NY and the rest of America regarding road and travel safety (including sidewalks, subways, buses, trains and of course roads whether in a country or city downtown area, neighborhood or highway.

Honoring the late Hannah Nazareth,11, of Pittsfield MA, whose life was ended in July 2015 before the parade she'd planned to dance in.

on Mon, 05/20/2019 - 21:53

After looking at the CA Protective Parents Association site which has important information for ALL WOMEN to learn about early and for Protective Parents of any gender to comprehend, there was a resource from the Center of Judicial Excellence about children who whose lives were ended during a custody matter or by a parent, relative or partner of one of the parents.

Sadly the information is needed to inform our current situations and laws which are still highly deficient and even 'backwards'.

What typically can happen is a protective parent, generally a mother, will report concerns and even

Nice footage of Dennis Gage, whose logged 2 million miles in his travels as My Classic Car TV Host, in all 50 states, including Falls Village CT!

on Mon, 05/20/2019 - 19:35
I just got to to see a rather special bit of footage of Falls Village CT on the FB page Falls Village Forum (and other sites such as The Falls Village Car Show FB page or the MY Classic Car TV Show site)...which could use a lot of wonderful people visiting and staying a while..ideally moving in with kids to enjoy Kellogg School.
Why not come to another Car Show or humbly hike the Appalachian Trail (from Georgia to Maine, with lots of wonderful day trips in the MA/NY CT corner area.) Keep the good vibes going and please be careful of any rivers flowing (the water is very powerful...not unlike

Celestial Sounds At Mystical 16 Concert by Crescendo in Lime Rock CT

on Sun, 05/19/2019 - 03:32

Amidst dynamic, colorful art openings in Falls Village CT, at Harper Blanchett's Blue Star Gallery on Main Street and Danielle Mailler's show of metallic painted sculptures and paintings, about 40 singers and musicians with the amazing conductor Christina Gevert brought 16 pieces of music to life to fill the hills with music.  With more information online, the details can be pondered and reflections shared. Based on the 116th Psalm, the healing  inspiring number of love, 16, was explored with reverence, depth and celebration.

There were a few times 'Allelulia's' resonated in the lovely stone
