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Speaking of Strange Things..What Do You Think of Outer Space (and Very Likely Truths Behind 9-11-01)

on Fri, 05/31/2019 - 04:35

Thinking about things like ( "Joe Rogan Experience #331--Steven Greer") this takes courage and community...and can be a way to find out way through various serious situations...

 I am also reading A Whole New Mind by Daniel H Pink which describes how computers and an abundance of materialism are reshaping our world. Lots of outsourcing of jobs and production to other parts of the world. (The sub-title is Why Right Brainers will Rule the Future...I haven't quite gotten to that part, but I think it would inform the discussion about education and much in our economy.)

 That was written in 2005

Those Cool Rural School Days (from the 1970s) Still Going Strong, Thankfully (save some losses but still honoring those folks too)

on Thu, 05/30/2019 - 04:30

Kudos to all for keeping a courageous cool spirit going at grade schools over the decades! 
I was in the Class of the mid 1970s (the math isn't that tricky but with the turn of the century in 2000 it is a that's a good  forty plus short years ago!

Most of us are now well into our 50s) and wonder if we are in the running for one of the largest (and coolest) classes.

We are some of the most talented, caring folks I know in the area our age (see that puts us in a certain era before computers, cell phones, faxes and even electric typewriters, fundraisers or community scholarships

When Loved Ones Show Up In a Dream...or When We Think of Them in the Here and Now... We Evolve with Love

on Tue, 05/28/2019 - 02:03
Thinking about loved ones here and in spirt...we likely need more coaching and support to help us value people in our circles and community here and now so we can draw on the lessons and support when they cross over, much of which some say continues in a positive healing way if both parties are game... but if not, not so much.
There are definitely many Possibilities...and I feel very grateful to have had my mind and heart softened such that the dreams and prayers, past, present and future can all work together on many levels... practical and spiritual to help me and many others 'evolve

Please, No Adult Bikes or Motorscooters On Sidewalks in NYC (and elsewhere)

on Sun, 05/26/2019 - 15:05

Bikers Beware is a term we've heard that applies to  bicyclists and motorcyclists watching out for cars. They are the 'smaller vehicle' so the phsyics of force when two collide would favor the larger vehicle.

Plus there's no protection from being thrown off one's motorcycle or bike so on that account the rider would be wiser to avoid 'close calls with cars' or even parts of a car, such as a Car Door.

That sounds easy yet likely we need reminder stickers and buzzers to 'check twice' before getting out of a car or even into a car.

Whose heard of Ghost Networks (for reaching a medical or mental health provider..) that "No Longer Take Your Insurance or Clients" etc

on Sat, 05/25/2019 - 22:09

From another FB post with an article from Bloomberg Business Week about the decline in health care providers accepting insurance or cutting people off from services. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (as well as the Veterans Crisis Line) is 1-800-273-8255.

I learned a lot. In MN, a class action suit with some of the families who suffered loss of coverage, which likely contributed to one or more losing a loved one to suicide, some progress was made in holding the company accountable..

"As Suicides Rise, Insurers  Find Ways to Deny Mental Health Coverage". by Koons and Tozzi is the
