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Remember the Autumn and Ideas of 'Acorns To Oaks' as Family Trees and Communities Grow Over the Years 'through all kinds of weather.."

on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 01:24
To the Editor:
Especially in New England, it is easy to consider October as a month of harvest, beauty and transition. In the Jewish faith and others, a time of reflection and renewal is marked as well.
 A few decades ago I wrote to newspapers and started sharing the idea through flyers and notes of "Acorns to Oaks Networking" to highlight the gift of each person and nature in a forest of friends, growing from acorns to trusty oaks.
All people are counting in critical ways, whether for the census to assure services and funds (with a final filing date of 9/30/20) or voting locally and

Debbie Hoffman has Genius About Following Up with Potential Business Partners and Clients (And Shares Her Secret make you a successful boss or networker.)

on Fri, 02/26/2021 - 19:59 That's the link to check out an awesome supportive program to help you work with Debbie Hoffman and be in her group to learn how to "power up your follow up" skills and tech. Having systems, game plans and the right tech and steps all makes a difference. I've learned a lot in the first intro talks and may have to jump into the training this time or another time before too long. This kind of skill is a game-changer so have to be prepared for more success....Lots of bonuses for signing up today so passing along the word.

Following the Latest Daily COVID Counts on FB pages and Headlines...and Taking Time to Reflect

on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 01:13
Difficult as it is to realize each of these numbers represents someone struggling or the deaths (confirmed and probable...) mortal lives that have ended.
As more are exploring there is still a lot to appreciate about a person's being and life past the physical lifespan.
That area could soften the harshness and help more people consider ways to keep the energy and love of a person held in a valuable way which is not something our modern world seems to feel is worthwhile or appropriate even theoretically...
But the fringe allows for that and more people could form groups locally, on a state

Jacqueline Wales with TheFearlessFactor@Work offering online talks and freebies

on Tue, 02/23/2021 - 15:27

I am grateful I opened up an email to join a webinar Jacqueline Wales is offering tonight.When I signed up more goodies were shared such that I'm even more inspired. Right now I'm heaing Bob Proctor sharing cool ideas that we are energy and thoughts lead to ideas and result in things and skills along those lines. He touches on our unique genetic code plus a lot of 'programming from the environment...' He does assert that babes are a blank slate and I don't really agree with that, but he's saying 'self-image' is formed as part of a paradigm that gives rise to a conscious mind.
