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Following the Latest Daily COVID Counts on FB pages and Headlines...and Taking Time to Reflect

on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 01:13
Difficult as it is to realize each of these numbers represents someone struggling or the deaths (confirmed and probable...) mortal lives that have ended.
As more are exploring there is still a lot to appreciate about a person's being and life past the physical lifespan.
That area could soften the harshness and help more people consider ways to keep the energy and love of a person held in a valuable way which is not something our modern world seems to feel is worthwhile or appropriate even theoretically...
But the fringe allows for that and more people could form groups locally, on a state and country and wider level to 'lean into the love and healing'...even during times of struggle and as one passes from this realm and goes to the next, possibly looking out for us..and/ or encouraging us to do more of that for one another and even ourselves..
I explore a lot of these kinds of ideas and resource people and programs I have found helpful over the last hope we can form meaningful teams and talks (online or however...) to 'be there for one another' in this time of increased social isolation and consequent lack of chance encounters...
That said, I did meet with a couple of good folks from the area by chance who had run a business "Home Care So You Can Stay There" (Nancy and Larry Moskowitz...)
Let's revive that kind of mindset and possibility for people in each state...See what NY CDPAP offers in terms of paying family and friends to care for a loved one or neighbor (let the people choose their own caregivers...) for some home care. In CT that would need to be reimbursed but in NY, not so much is my understanding from some basic research.
More is needed for all elders and even those in their 50s to plan ahead..the look back period to qualify may only be a month until April 1st, 2021..and then a month will be added to that but one can talk with a professional (which I am not in terms of legal or financial planning...but know there is a huge need for info and education that is not happening in a timely way...)
So please see who in your circles or you personally needs help and look into things a little at a time. A few google searches can get some free consults or maybe some for a fee, so work with your accountant, family and friends to explore options to protect assets and find ways to afford living as long as possible by covering household costs whether living with someone (to share expenses and maybe get some supervision on and off or for part of the day as may be needed.)
Always check references thoroughly and see legitimate paperwork as is legal and appropriate. There are far more elders in need than there are adult children in place to care for them.
There are not enough nursing home or assisted living places per se, and that is not generally someone's choice if they are fairly able to manage with support.
Learn about ADLs, Activities of Daily Living, to understand the criteria of basic needs of getting cleaned up and dressed in the morning, making food or being able to eat food prepared for one, moving about with transfers and walking, getting in a car and so forth and having good hygiene with assistance as needed and so on.
Those are physical abilities and do not factor in much about mental challenges or skills related to driving (safely or otherwise, and one should be able to slam on the brakes and have a quick response and not speed etc, not only operate a car to get to a few appointments etc.)
Vision, hearing and making calls or signing papers one really can read and understand could be areas anyone needs help with even at night or in busier towns etc. It makes sense to have support going to medical appointments or if one is on meds that may impair one's ability or if one is tired or under stress.
That may sound like "everybody needs help sometimes' and that's pretty much the case! No worries, there are plenty of people and finding ways to get people to help one another shouldn't be as hard as getting the rover to Mars.
Thanks for thinking on all of this and for being there for one another and practicing self-care and compassion.
Best to all with wishes for everyone to have support to keep doing what they need to do and even to dream some brighter dreams for the future...and lighting a virtual candle for the 500K people who have died in America from the pandemic...and to the many others who have died from other causes as well in this past year and around the world in addition to the over 2 million who died worldwide.