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One of hundreds of cool folks I was on a FB group about sharing one's message in the media...

on Sat, 02/12/2022 - 02:52
Shelby Gilyard helps female entrepreneurs master the quantum field with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & Cryptocurrency so they can embody their higher self & live a life by design.
Media Bio:
Shelby Gilyard is a Quantum Certified NLP Master Trainer & Cryptocurrency Investor who has helped hundreds of souls remember their true essence of sovereignty, abundance & worth.

Plz Support Animals and Tell Your Friends About The Humane Society of the USA!

on Sat, 02/12/2022 - 02:07

 Whether you are a pet lover or not, have a furry friend from the past or hope to get one, check out or google it to learn of ways you can donate monthly or become a Humane Hero with a monthly contribution. I spoke with a nice caller and said I'd share the "top dog' info here on She was saying there's an urgent need to help protect dogs from abuse (and other animals too.)

So thanks to all who have given in the past to this or similar efforts. I gave in November of 2019 so that was a helpful reminder and kept me in the loop to learn a bit more.

I know I have

"The Stakes Are High", Jonathan Safran Foer, shares on About Eating Steak and More

on Sat, 02/12/2022 - 01:21

 There are many previous talks on Tonight the author of Eating Animals or We Are The Weather by Jonathan Safran Foer is being interviewed. He suggests sharing that a person consider learning to become more conscious about choices of the sources and kinds of food one eats. He paints a serious picture that 'factory food' eating (especially animals in suffering conditions) impacts the pollution and harm our planet is experiencing.

Reducing consumption of meat can help a person transiton to explore 'what would it look like to have a Meatless Monday and maybe a daily

Kudos to the Salisbury Ski Jumps as they Kick Off the Big Weekend Tonight! Happy Soaring!

on Sat, 02/12/2022 - 00:46

In case people are not aware of the excitement happening in Salisbury  CT at the Ski Slopes behind LaBonne's on Main Street, Route 44, just East of Millerton NY, google and the main site www. more about past events and the schedule of events this weekend.Kudos to all skiiers, jumpers and helpers along the way and running the event. Special thanks to SWSA, Salisbury Winter Sports Association, which welcomes donations as well!

Tonight there's Target Jumping under the lights.

Let's Grow Teams of Support, Gardens, Permaculture and Job, Housing and Rides Networks!

on Fri, 02/11/2022 - 16:58

We are finding there are big common shared problems but not many ways to address those when it comes to finding housing, rides, work, school and learning support, training and assitance with filling out forms (of all kinds, renewals and online.) We learn as we can with those in our circles and some community tips but we can and need to do better!

In permaculture, the idea is shared that "the problem is the solution" can be a helpful principle to help people brainstorm and ask questions about the solution or direction one needs to go in to find a use for excess or lack, certain skills or
