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Plz Support Animals and Tell Your Friends About The Humane Society of the USA!

on Sat, 02/12/2022 - 02:07

 Whether you are a pet lover or not, have a furry friend from the past or hope to get one, check out or google it to learn of ways you can donate monthly or become a Humane Hero with a monthly contribution. I spoke with a nice caller and said I'd share the "top dog' info here on She was saying there's an urgent need to help protect dogs from abuse (and other animals too.)

So thanks to all who have given in the past to this or similar efforts. I gave in November of 2019 so that was a helpful reminder and kept me in the loop to learn a bit more.

I know I have seen PETA magazine and have friends who are wonderful at sharing on FB and many posts for advocacy for animal protection. There are so many important causes for more people to get behind. Saving wild life, getting pets spayed or neutered at an appropriate time and much more. Let's aim to live in more sustainable, balanced ways and that can be more of our reality!