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Would all Brave Young Women please Consult with Elders and Others and Make PLANS for safety (older women too, and it's never too late to try)

on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 21:55

Young women need to figure more than their figures out..whether for fashion or finance, most have NO CLUE WHAT TO DO when she becomes pregnant or seriously involved with romance or needing his help (rides, money, living arrangements, food, connection, yes even s-x)..okay so what is her PLAN with her MAN should she feel or decide she needs to be ALONE for a day, a week, a month or more...

Likely it's almost impossible to decide and find a ride (get help) to actually make a plan..and then to try it out even for a few hours (as in Go to the Movies, or Out with friends shopping or to eat if

See National Parents Organization today (March 2016 or asap) but Don't Vote Blindly for Shared Parenting, which allows too many male abusers thru the door

on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 20:56

Not easy to have to spell this out, but the crux of a national debate the media is not covering, is that Abusive Fathers are gaining custody in costly battles. The toll is not only money and despair, but sadly the severing of times with protective mothers and in the worst cases, sexual abuse or physical abuse of the children who are stuck with their biological dad and his cohorts.

These are alarming trends which are covered in necessary ways to SAVE LIVES and PROTECT CHILDREN and their mothers on One would think when the expert advocates get clear on what is needed to

Let's hear it for all women (and the fellas who support and respect them...and vice versa) on International Woman's Day (or Women's Day) March 8th each year..and really everyday, but that's my idea

on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 19:43

With all due respect to the greater good, the divine, the circle of life, it's nice to know there's such respect for women and gals on that plan-it called International Woman's Day. Find out ways folks are acknowledging the special role women play in the world today and over the past..and hopefully can take on larger roles in saving the mothership from further harm and loss of natural resources, women's rights, and more. Kudos to all men who work along the lines of playing fair whether with others in their country or a wider scale and with both men and women seen as team players.

Soon we

David Adelson offering programs to protect people during big times of conflict 2/20/16-3/15/16 (and beyond?)

on Mon, 02/22/2016 - 00:34

We don't know all reasons for meeting people in our lives, and some stand out...I met David Adelson a few times in SW Mass via a good friend. David is on youtube, so meet online and get to So many ideas to consider, but David is very experienced and respected in work most cannot begin to understand. Fees may be beyond one's budget but a lot is free and some can be earned on maybe look into options you didn't know were possible...warm, safe blessings and protection for US-All and spread info along as you can..

On a different note, see Vicki Robin on

A Toast to the Warner Theatre in Torrington CT and many cool programs at schools, faith groups and more! Join the Show!

on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 21:09
