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Following Where the Sidewalk (and Signs) Lead, and Not Breaking the Law by Parking Where there are "No Standing" Signs

on Thu, 05/18/2017 - 12:25

I recalled finding myself on a night walk in a gentle rain over a year ago in New York. Why I went down one street and not another is fun to ponder. Maybe the street seemed wider and calmer when I try to hone in on my wandering ways between phone calls or finding my way home again after a 15-minute jaunt. I happened to see a piece of paper on the sidewalk, getting flattened by the rain but I thought to pick it up. Was it because there was a photo of Sri Chinmoy on it? I don't think there was but some flyers I've seen since have that.

It did announce a free meditation series once I peeled it

Hot Off the Internet Press, New York Make Music Day (6-21-17) and Month of June

on Wed, 05/17/2017 - 19:22

As great as it is to learn of these exciting musical events and opportunities, it's even Better to Share the News.

A Tribute to Diane Aluska, a Mom who died saving her Daughter's life, In NY on Mother's Day from a Car Fluke

on Mon, 05/15/2017 - 17:32

Just when we think we realize the basic car safety to prevent Not Speeding or Allowing People Who have 
Just One Drink, or Text or Distracted Whichever (handheld cell phone use and more). Well. this one is hard to believe and likely needs a little more explanation about what caused the car  of an elderly woman to 'jump the curb' and almost hit a teen named Jenna. Her mom, Diane, quickly moved her daughter out of the way successfully yet became pinned under the car and died of her injuries.

To Our Moms (and Kids) in Heaven...each season of the year. You are in Our Hearts!

on Mon, 05/15/2017 - 13:34

Thanks to Patti Sinclair for sharing from the heart as a caring insightful person (and a person with second sight...yes a medium who can bring messages as far as it seems to many hundreds of people) from their loved ones who have crossed over. She was noting on Facebook that for many, Mother's Day can be bittersweet, whether missing a mother or child due to their passing or maybe other struggles. I chimed in with a remembrance and a bit more.

When You Go By 505 Fifth Ave (Across from McD's), Pay Respects to a special Mom, Dana, and her husband Jose...(Delicate post, so read with care)

on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 17:38

Dear Readers of Livfully and Those in New York who may pass by 505 Fifth Ave a few blocks toward Times Square from Grand Central. Remember that story of the Mother needing to give birth and finding a place in the manger because 'there was no room in the inn."

That didn't just happen long ago, and unfortunately it's a fairly common plight of many mothers who are about to give birth (yes a pregnant woman Is a Mother in the most fundamental life-giving sense of the word Before she delivers a child.) If a woman is of limited monetary means and support, well the pregnancy journey can be one that
