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Serious Syrian Situation Being Debated..Lies or Lives Honestly Being Attacked by Assad. Tune in to help discover the Truth

on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 17:28

 One person keyed me into the online debate about what is Really Going on in Aleppo, Syria at this time in April 2018. has live coverage.

A Canadian journalist is braving sharing important resources, and disclosing information about the White Helmets ($100 million in backing from others who want to topple the Syria government) and corporate interests.

Some say she is rejecting honest reports for propaganda for Russia or other agendas. Hope to find out more soon. Syrian people have shared with her that the Syrian army protected them as they left. 

Hadyn's Creation an Elevating Experience Even After Jumping 20' in the Air Last Night!

on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 01:27

 When people talking about 'finding a new high' they hardly mean literally jumping 20 feet up in the air. I know I'm a special person for loving to run, jump and play since I was a kid. Dancing for about ten years after doing basic gymnastics (including a round off, back handspring --with a spotter, thanks, Janice!) until I was 14 was also after doing sports such as soccer, basketball, softball and track in my early teens.

So Maybe I jump a little farther or higher than the average 54 year old..but how I did the 20 foot jump with ease and repetition was with the help of a bungee jumping

Exciting Ideas on New Media Summit online such as New Agreements,Inc

on Fri, 04/13/2018 - 18:35

Talk about Exceptional Elevator Pitches, the New Media Summit I bumped into online just now is chock a block with amazingly talented people with some moving stories. I am tuning in and will help others hear more about shortly. Basically we likely all have 'what it takes' but just need a little polishing. David Williams is talking about a small nation-state which he used the information from The Law of Nations book on. Now David Williams was raised on a farm and in midlife wanted to make a peaceful bit of progress. Hope some more folks find support to keep growing their too. by Deanna Cochran-A Window Into the End of Life Doula World

on Thu, 04/12/2018 - 19:50

How do people want to live while they're dying? is one question Deanna Cochran explores on an interview with End Of Life University. Deanna Cochran was eager to share with others about people being able to have palliative care before hospice care.

That could have eased a great deal of suffering and pain. So learn more on her site, Many caring medical people realize there are missing links and they are striving to bridge key gaps. Palliative care should be considered early on and by a team to assist with natural transitions.

'Start With Love In Case You Don't Get a Chance to Say Goodbye" April 11th, Sri Chinmoy's Birth date and day of remembrance of his many contributions to the world. April 12th, 2017 the day of a young man's passing. Lighting a candle with Big Tall Love

on Wed, 04/11/2018 - 22:27

 For Starters, "I Love You!" Too often in wrapping up a phone call it's hard to squeeze a clear, heartfelt "I love you!" in at the end, so why not Start the call with a Hello and as the song goes.."I just say I love you" for short, "I love you." Same thing when saying hello to people in your 'love you' circle.

As it makes sense, give a hand shake or hug or pat on the back to greet with affection getting down to business about plans and people to be in touch with (about more plans.)


The last time I saw my late teen son in a friendly way was on my birthday of May 14th, 2009,
