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A Special Peace Month World-Wide: An Invite to Take Time to Celebrate Peace from Aug 21st through Sept 21st for International Peace Day

on Wed, 08/22/2018 - 01:30

If this sounds like a wild idea off the top of my head...It Is! 

As it turns out I've heard some special energies started pouring down to our earth from the Pleiades right about in 1988 and increased for the next 25 years if I recall what Barbara Marciniak said. Now this might be a bit over the top, but why not appreciate what Might have happened 30 years ago by noting the 30 days prior to September 21st as a time to 'get ready for World Peace Day'.

This could be a time  to celebrate the accomplishments of all in the prior  30 years as well.

Presenting.....Kent Presents 2018! Thanks for the donations to good causes and everybody's input here and beyond!

on Sat, 08/18/2018 - 15:24

Thank You  Connecticut's Kent Presents, which raises funds for non-profits to the tune of tens of thousands through offering high quality speeches to about 300 participants..With more people concerned about climate change and ways to help one another from the get-go, I commend this effort and that of all working toward the common good. Anthony Piel and Lyn Mattoon have important pieces in the Lakeville Journal in CT to encourage more citizen engagement at all levels.

I explore ideas on a blog, and welcome input.

Dr. Victor Hugo Bassett honored in GA and the United States for Ushering in the Legal Delivery of Infants by African American Midwives

on Sat, 08/18/2018 - 15:09

 Sharing a suggestion from a relative as follows: If you are interested in gaining insight into what doctors like a relative of mine dealt with in their work back in the early 1900s, get a copy of the award-winning book “Ship Fever” by Andrea Barrett. Of the three novellas in that book, the title novella (“Ship Fever”) is a powerful story, based on history, with brilliant writing, and a resilient female protagonist. It’s a great read.

Here's a story about Victor Hugo Bassett who was recognized in Georgia for helping 19 midwives become the first ones certified to deliver babies during a time

Not Easy Sharing This Youtube even though a Million Have Heard it..When it comes on the heels of similar loss

on Thu, 08/16/2018 - 21:42

With the idea of 'everything is one' mostly that sounds like we can enjoy the group energy, the connections and expect more healings and miracles. The reality of getting to know people and become friends can also mean there is a 'seed of separation' potential that will one or both parties will feel in profound ways. Even when it's not a romantic thing or best buddies there can still be plenty to feel as an ache in one's heart.

If there is that special romance whether first love or at a certain point in life serious connection, even a separation can feel like falling apart..thoroughly and

Enjoy Reading About the Offerings from then Relax Into those possibilities

on Thu, 08/16/2018 - 19:04

I'm hearing more from the West Coast this summer of 2018 than I have in a while. I met a nice family visiting from Californ-aye-yeah whose Grandmother lives in the Berkshires of MA for instance. What's even better said Grandma wanted to share Railroad Days with them in North Canaan CT, so Hello if you are reading this folks!
