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Thursday,Sept 13th, 2018:Today's Voting Day in New York, and Always Vote For Yourself to Stay in the Game of Life!

on Thu, 09/13/2018 - 13:17

With supportive wishes for safety and weathering the storm Florence along the East Coast, let's Get Out To Vote in New York.

I am headed to the polls for Cynthia Nixon  for Governor  and Jumaane for Lt Gov. and then Democrats in the primary today.

As long as we are thinking about the greater impact we all have in making choices and using our voices, let's encourage one another to be safe and respectful and live with our Thinking KAPP--Kids, Adults, Parents PLANS--People Living and Learning and Loving with Agreements and Networking through Schools, Sharing, Socializing and Society (including

Taking Life On One Day At A Time (and Talking to One Person or many One Post at a Time). Lots of Livin' Done and To Be Done Still..

on Wed, 09/12/2018 - 12:12

I have summarized some points in my life and learning journey...I have blogged for over five years and have reached 80K. I have spoken to many people over the course of my 55 years, primarily in my school and family circles for the first 14 years through 8th grade, then about the 500 at HVHRS when I was a student council rep (so heard what was going on with the other classes), a choral member and in the play (How to Succeed in Business...) and soccer and track player my first year.

Then I was in New Haven, with 1800 students and again in Fairfield with that number before being involved on

"How I Got This Way" and why I don't want to change back to trusting too much and knowing less

on Wed, 09/12/2018 - 10:43

Here's a post I shared with some few thousand in a local FB group after some took issue with me sharing the Lawyers Committee for 9-11 Inquiry petition and other indications that we likely have not heard the truth, the whole truth and nothing but...the truth regarding 9-11.I have written to the Lakeville Journal and other papers before the web was a forum. I joined Facebook as far as I can recall after our teen son Kaelan's passing.

I always believed what was on the news (CBS, ABC etc until I learned of Rachel Maddow, Amy Goodman and some on NPR.) I first learned the meaning of protests at

September 11th, 2001... Re-examined by the Lawyers Committee for 9-11 Inquiry in 2018

on Tue, 09/11/2018 - 23:50

After some local discussion on a facebook  group (of about 4000), a few people were upset that any discussion of another explanation of how and why the World Trade Centers came down (and the wars were started shortly after the three different buildings hit the ground, including Tower 7.)

The Lawyers Committee for 9-11, at, is a non-profit group presented a petition to the State Attorney's Office on April 10th, 2018 to have a Grand Jury examine the physicl evidence, forensics and testimonies of eye witness responders from 9-11-01.

See more on this link 

Reverencing the Lives Lost in the 9-11-01 tragic events..but wanting the truth for US All

on Tue, 09/11/2018 - 21:31

With all due respect to all who lost loved ones and friends in the Sept 11th, 2001 tragedy, I share the following as well...
Many people have dedicated a lot of effort to doing research on the physical evidence of the Ground Zero site.

There are important theories that merit consideration, especially given the science of 'what makes steel melt into a river below' and the kinds of material form that cannot be produced by jet fuel or basic materials burning.
