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Healing Takes Time and Teamwork (and Even A Country as well as a Village Defending Human Rights)

on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 20:11
To the Editor:
For all the professionals and lay people who have been aware of abuse in all its many miserable forms but did not know what to do or chose to 'do nothing' or felt 'it wouldn't make it better or have an impact', there were a some who tried to get the word out that 'abuse is not okay and you should tell someone and keep telling until someone believes you.' That is a healing message. However it's not that simple.

Brett Kavanaugh..All things Up for Discussion and Questioning (with weird theories included to explain the likely actions)

on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 20:04

The above video recounts Brett Kavanaugh's past alleged attempt to silence and attack a fellow teen, something fairly common at not only private schools but in many public schools (after hours and so on) of those times. One young woman's experience may influence the decision of whether this candidate becomes a Supreme Court Justice or not.Talk about a clean-cut, apparently capable, high-functioning fellow being at risk to lose it all since he seems to be a man of mixed abilities and only a rare loss of control.

Seeing more youtubes from Oprah's Soul Sunday on Reincarnation to talk by John Holland at a NYC conference

on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 03:43 is a link about a remarkable young fellow who could speak Tibetan at age 3 as an American...and transitioned to becoming a monk at age 14 for 5 years..before he moved onto a more independent life in the West. Reincarnation, continued life of the soul after death and much more likely could give more people 'food for thought' about things even in life and relationships... 

"We are not alone" in a Big Way Dolores Cannon says... we can have up to 4 guardian angels..

on Tue, 09/18/2018 - 02:45

With so many interesting talks on it's hard to choose. Sometimes one just pops up and when it has a lot of view, I'm even more intrigued... These ideas are somewhat familiar now to me, having read a few books and seen other such talks...on near death experiences (NDEs), seeing loved ones before they cross over and much more... but always good to hear how it all fits together and what it all means...

okay, here's the link. She says that much of our life experience is helping us learn about emotions and lessons, feelings and so on.

Yee-Haw! Hopalong Andrew's Tyrannosaurus Video and Single is Engaging NYC!

on Mon, 09/17/2018 - 17:27

Kudos to Hopalong Andrew for taking the reins on having some Fun in NYC boroughs and beyond out in parks and shops and now takin' it to the streets of NYC. His latest greatest idea was to pitch the hoss for a Dinosaur of course!.

Hopefully more folks will find their way to the museums to see our links to the past (and thankfully to the present still) such as at The Bronx Zoo.

I am happy to have met Andrew (and donate to his recent album too) in a friendly setting or two in Brooklyn...a shout out to Speedy Romeo pizza place and a nearby park or two such as Fort Greene Park which can become a
